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Public input wanted on County’s economic development

The public, the business community and other stakeholders are invited to express views on the future of economic development in Prince Edward County.
A special meeting of council is to be held Tuesday, March 20 at 7 p.m. in the council chambers.
Council has identified the need for an Economic Development Strategy to meet the objectives of:
o sustainable jobs,
o supporting current businesses,
o contributing to the County’s momentum as an attractive destination for investors,
o building on local assets, resources, heritage and innovation, and ultimately
o increasing the municipal tax base.

“The municipality gratefully acknowledges the support from the many community partners that are contributing to this initiative,” said Debra Williams, Economic Development Coordinator. “It is important for everyone to speak directly to council about the objectives that council has approved. It would assist council members in seeing the community’s need for the continuation of community development.”

“The strategic planning process is the beginning of a collaborative approach to community development,” said Chief Administrative Officer, Merlin Dewing. “We have applied for funding for implementation in partnership with the Prince Edward County Chamber of Tourism and Commerce, to synchronize our efforts and implement plans for a strong, coordinated approach to business expansion, retention and attraction.
The goal is also to minimize if not eliminate overlap in the delivery of a full spectrum of economic development initiatives.”

The Economic Development Department is consulting with members of council, staff, the public and specifically with local partners involved with community development, to gather broad, community perspectives on economic development.
The special council meeting will provide a further opportunity for the public to make its views known directly to council. The input received will contribute to a draft Economic Development Strategy to be presented to council on April 12.

Comments may also be submitted to Debra Williams at: The Edward Building, 280 Main Street, Picton and by email:

Filed Under: Local News

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  1. Elizabeth Globe says:

    Homes are being built in the County Doris, businesses are attracted here. The EDO promotes the amazing opportunities present in the County, including the wineries. Without increasing the tax base with industry, most often encouraged and promoted by the EDO, we will not grow.

    We are very close to the 401 with #49 being a direct route. We do not have rail, however a large percentage of merchandise is shipped by transport.

    Shall we eliminate the office that works hard to promote the County as a viable business option? When large scale businesses consider our home area for opportunities for development they contact the EDO to review possibilities. The results are there, sometimes however, it take a long time for the “tree to bear fruit”.

  2. Doris Lane says:

    The Economic Development office is total waste of time and money–the only people they are responsible for employing are the ones who work gor shire hall
    peoply come here to start busibess on their own–eg winneries. the county is too far off yhe beaten tract eg rail and 401- so we might as well save our money and do away with this office the county is off limits for increase in populstion bevause IWT’s and manufacturing business is not locating in Ontario because of the high cost of electricity Homes are not being built because of high cost of permits and the threat of wind or solar in a person’s backyard
    The EDO can not help sustain present business–only the residents can and with the high cost of living in the county residences do not have a lot of surplus cash to spend in local stores.
    Spend the county money on necessary infastructure and forget things that cost us money for travel to places we do not need to go–cut out all conferences

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