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Public invited to flock to events for the birds

Ian Dickinson photo

Fall migration is well under way as the colourful warblers of spring have donned drab migration gear and visit the County to rest and feed before taking off on their long journey south.

During fall migration, the Prince Edward Point Bird Observatory is in full operation. Bird banding has been taking place daily in the mornings until October 1 when evening banding of Northern Saw-whet Owls is added to the routine.

The public is welcome to view the fall migrants and to learn about the research activities at the Bird Observatory.

On Saturday, Oct. 6 and Oct. 13 PEPtBO is offering guided bird walks at 9 am.

Viewing of Northern Saw-whet Owls is set to begin. PEPtBO bands more of these charming little owls than any other station. For the protection of the owls, public viewing is limited to three nights a week for the first three weekends in October from 8:15 to 9:15 pm – Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays in October (4-6, 11-13, 18-20).
Admission to all events is by donation. All fall activities are described here at the PEPtBO website

To protect the birds, no bird banding or Owl banding takes place if it is raining or too windy.

On Oct. 12, PEPtBO is hosting a Night Sky Viewing Event starting at 7:15. The public is invited to view stars, planets, the Milky Way and the occasional satellite through telescopes provided by local astronomy enthusiasts. For more information please go to page 50 of Nature Matters!

PEPtBO’s NatureHood educational program also continues this fall. School groups are invited to the Bird Observatory for a half day curriculum linked program tailored to the grade level of the class. For information or to book a visit contact NatureHood Coordinators Cheryl Chapman ( ) or Mark Read ( )

Wrapping up the month, is the annual fundraising dinner and silent auction featuring Jeremy Bensette, who set out to see how many bird species he could document in Ontario in 365 days. He managed to see 346 different species!

On Oct. 27 he will speak about about his boundary breaking birding year at the PEPtBO annual fundraising dinner and silent auction. The auction includes works of art, special experiences and, of note, a Via Rail $500 Gift Certificate. Tickets for the evening are available at

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