Public survey launched on use and availability of healthcare in PEC
Administrator | Jan 12, 2022 | Comments 0
The County’s Healthcare Services Working Group has launched a public survey about the use and availability of healthcare providers in Prince Edward County.
The focus of the survey is broad, addressing experiences and needs related to not only primary healthcare providers (family doctors), but also mental health and other healthcare providers.
The survey responses are to inform future recommendations and actions of the Healthcare Services Working Group which includes representatives of the Prince Edward Family Health Team, Quinte Health Care, Community Care for Seniors, H.J. McFarland Memorial Long Term Care Home, Hospice Prince Edward, South East Home and Community Care, Hastings Prince Edward Public Health, Hastings Prince Edward Addiction and Mental Health Services and representatives of council, including the mayor.
The survey is anonymous and is open to any resident of Prince Edward County or rural Hastings County (Rural Hastings County includes all Hastings municipalities except Belleville and Quinte West.) The survey is also open to non-residents who are caregivers to residents of Prince Edward or rural Hastings Counties.
The survey is now open and can be accessed on the municipality’s Have Your Say website or through this direct link, and will close on Feb. 28, 2022.
A paper version of the survey will be available at all Prince Edward County Library branches next week, or can be obtained by contacting County customer service to arrange for pick up at the Edward Building (280 Main Street Picton).
Filed Under: News from Everywhere Else
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