Queen Elizabeth students meet community helpers
Administrator | Mar 25, 2014 | Comments 0
Junior and senior kindergarten students at Queen Elizabeth Public School learned about people in their community over the past few weeks.
Their journey to them to the Picton fire department, the library, Sobey’s, the post office and the food bank. Bloomfield farmer Don Williams visited the students at their classroom for a question and answer session about farming.
Students travelled to Sobeys for an interesting learning adventure in a grocery store. They learned about the community helpers that work at the store including the baker and butcher. They were also able to tour of the back of the store and saw the produce refrigerator. They bought a few vegetables to bring back to school for a healthy snack and Sobey’s generously donated cheese.
Following letter writing to each other in class, the groups addressed the envelopes and took them to be mailed at the Picton Post Office. On the journey to and from the school the group stopped at different buildings in the community such as the bank, theatre and church and spoke about how the people and places and how they help in the community.

Bloomfield farmer Don Williams visited students at their classroom for a question and answer session about farming.
The final journey of the project was a the class helping their community by donating food to the food bank. They were welcomed by food bank volunteers and toured around the facility. Students helped put out donations onto the tables and learned about how the food bank operates and how it helps people in the community.
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