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Rally says industrial wind turbines Too Big, Too Close, Too Many

Too-Big-Too-Many-Too-Close-RallyResidents and friends who believe Prince Edward County is the wrong location for industrial wind turbines vowed to continue their fight to protect the south shore and its inhabitants.

A couple hundred participants at the ‘Too Big, Too Close, Too Many Rally’ joined hands Sunday and circled Mt. Tabor in a show of solidarity in disapproval of two wind projects that, if allowed to move forward, would result in “Too Many” – 36 industrial turbines in Athol and South Marysburgh townships – “Too Big” at 50 storeys each and “Too Close” for people and wildlife habitat.

The rally, hosted by the Alliance to Protect Prince Edward County (APPEC), featured an information session that included displays from other County groups including the Prince Edward County Field Naturalists (PECFN) and the Coalitition for Safe and Appropriate Green Energy (CCSAGE).

Donations for legal appeals were accepted by PECFN for their ongoing Environmental Review Tribunal (ERT) against Gilead Power’s nine turbines, expected to be continued in Demorestville at Oct. 27-29 and for the appeal by APPEC, over the wpd Canada White Pines project of 27 turbines that is expected to begin the first week of November in Wellington.

“It’s crucially important every seat at the Environmental Review Tribunal be filled for three days and ditto for in Wellington,” said councillor Steve Ferguson. “We have to let the tribunal know how people feel in South Marysburgh, and Prince Edward County at large.”

Little-BluffThe people of the County are being ignored – by the government and the pro-winders, said Steve Campbell, emcee at the event, “saying we are against green energy. We are not. We realize we need to develop alternative energy to change our ways – but it must be appropriate… You cannot save the earth by killing wildlife and paving over their habitat.”

PECFN president Myrna Wood spoke of the species now extinct and noted today, the endangered species list in Ontario numbers 217.

“The main cause of species decline is habitat loss,” she said. “We humans take over the lands and waters that they need. Now is the time for us to preserve the last remaining habitats for their survival – that is the Prince Edward County’s south shore – one of the last remaining habitats. It provides food and rest for millions of birds that travel from South America to Canada’s north and back again every year. …Constructing these turbine projects will destroy hundreds of hectares of shrubs, trees and wetlands on which the birds depend.

“Our government has not been honest. In its zeal to start renewable energy generation it ignored the vital role that natural habitats play in reducing emissions that turbines can’t.”

Prince Edward Hastings MPP Todd Smith vowed to continue the fight at Queen’s Park. He spoke of visiting Huron County recently where there are hundreds of wind turbines erected.

“As I was driving through Huron County I noticed that there was not a single bird flying in the air. There was nothing. It was dead there. And as we sat in a community centre there much like Mt. Tabor Playhouse, at a roundtable meeting we were having about energy, they said what the turbines had done was rip apart their community. Friends are no longer friends, even family members are no longer talking to each other. It’s doing the same thing here in Prince Edward County and we haven’t seen a turbine yet.

“We have to stop this now because it will destroy Prince Edward County. And above all of that, we don’t need the energy in Ontario. We have 34,000 megawatts of power available to us in Ontario. On the hottest day this summer we used 23,000 megawatts.”

Mayor Robert Quaiff also vowed to continue being heard by the provincial government and Premier despite recent frustrations of cancelled promised meetings.

He said “the provincial government simply isn’t listening” and should read and adhere to the Rotary’s Club’s well-known Four Way test:
1. Is it the truth?
2. Is it fair to all concerned?
3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

Rally participants joined hands and circled the Mt. Tabour Playhouse to show solidarity and strength that they would not quit trying to prove the south shore of Prince Edward County is the wrong location for industrial wind turbine projects.

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  1. Susan says:

    25 years is generally accepted.

  2. judy kennedy says:

    Statistically, a generation is considered be twenty years. Lots of time for even 10 generations……….

  3. Marnie says:

    Safety First did your ancestors wear bearskins, carry clubs and live in caves? Is your surname Flintstone?

  4. Sue3 says:

    Chuck: I believe North Marysburgh (5th town) was the first area to be settled in the county – they lived in tents, or under trees until the log cabins were built.

  5. Chuck says:

    Thanks Sue3 for that info. Where did they live and what did they live in?

  6. Sue3 says:

    Chuck: a little off topic, I know, but it was 1784, and there are probably more than a few who are least 9th generation.

  7. Safety First says:

    Chuck, I certainly don’t need you telling me my lineage. And satire is not lost on me, it never has been. Steve doesn’t have me fooled.

  8. Olmanonthemtn says:

    Safety First seems as if Mr Campbell was using county secession as satire which is
    “A genre of literature, and sometimes graphic and performing arts, in which vices, follies, abuses, and shortcomings are held up to ridicule, ideally with the intent of shaming individuals, corporations, government or society itself, into improvement.” wiki Which
    can no doubt be effectively delivered by a CLOWN

    I guess as Michael Moores says:” You can’t debate satire. Either you get it or you don’t.”

    “Good satire comes from anger. It comes from a sense of injustice, that there are wrongs in the world that need to be fixed.” Carl Hiaasen In this case the lack of a provincial government responsible to all its constituents

  9. Chuck says:

    You would be 8th generation at best if you were related to the first UEL settlers in 1815.

  10. Safety First says:

    “Most people in the County come round to Steve Campbell’s views”

    Nope. A vocal minority do, mostly “Old Stock” County folks. (I am 9th Generation, by the way but see things quite differently) –

    This is the clown that is trying to rally troops to secede from the County. You know, like a small group of ignorant Texans wanting to secede from the U.S. because a black man was elected president.

  11. Lynda says:

    Obviously WPD doesn’t want the seats at the tribunal meeting to be filled. I attended the last meeting and I know that the lawyer for WPD was instructed by the tribunal to notify everybody in the area of the turbines as well as those along the power line transmission route of the amended meeting date. My neighbours and I have yet to be notified. I have been told they (WPD) sent out bulk mailer flyers (which are essentially junk mail. Flyers that may or may not be delivered should not be considered as legal notification. As far as I am concerned, by not notifying everyone in an appropriate manner, WPD is thumbing their noses at the tribunal and perhaps even breaking the law if the tribunal has any legal power at all. Will Eric Gillespie advise the tribunal how WPD handled their request to advise? This meeting should be declared illegal (as was the last one) and no date set until everyone with an interest in this fiasco is advised properly…,eaning in a legal manner. It is shocking what WPD and the government can get away with.

  12. Steve Ferguson says:

    Hi Sandra,
    I’m the municipal councillor for South Marysburgh and would be happy to talk to you about the turbine issue. Please contact me at

  13. Geoff Church says:

    Hi Sandra, As a Broker with Royal LePage ProAlliance in Picton, I’d be happy to speak with you about the turbine issue. Please give me a call next week at 613-476-2700.

  14. Borys Holowacz says:

    Things should become clearer before year’s end.

    You will find information here:

  15. Sandra Hill says:

    Wondering if someone could give me more info. on these wind turbines that are proposed for the southern Prince Edward County area. We are interested in buying a piece of property that is for sale there and are very concerned if these horrible things are going up or not. Been trying to get some answers and can’t seem to get any.
    Thank you

  16. Borys Holowacz says:

    Seems to me the County elected Robert Quaiff and helped elect Todd Smith to their political posts.

    Most people in the County come round to agree with Steve Campbell’s views.

  17. baysider says:

    Steve Campbell, Robert Quaiff and Todd Smith must think the majority of people against turbines are 200 people out of 20000 plus.

  18. Borys Holowacz says:

    The building of a common united front!
    I was out of town, so unfortunately missed the event.
    Great to see the event was a success.

  19. Bill Roberts says:

    Very good Rotary quote by Mayor Quaff.

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