Region a standout among listings in Canadian Real Estate Wealth Magazine
Administrator | Jul 06, 2015 | Comments 0
The Bay of Quinte region is in impressive company in this summer’s Cottage Investment edition of Canadian Real Estate Wealth.
A standout among listings of well-known cottage destinations in Ontario, the Bay of Quinte region boasts one of the lowest average home prices in the feature. The magazine touted the region as “Experiencing substantial growth – March 2015 figures from the Quinte & District Real Estate Board showing a 19 per cent rise in sales compared to the same month last year.”
Coupled with mentions of wineries, breweries, cheese factories and proximity to city centres, the feature offers a tempting insight for city dwellers into what it means to live, work, and play here.
“Average home prices falling well under the 300,000 mark are appealing not only for cottages and second homes, but also for the large number of professionals and families who seek a more balanced lifestyle of working, living, and playing,” said Bruce Sudds, who facilitated the feature. “The feature paints living in the Bay of Quinte region as easier on the wallet, without sacrificing opportunities for enjoyment and proximity to the city.”
“The unification of living and tourism presences in the Bay of Quinte region has been proving itself as the right strategic move,” says Jon VanHuizen, President of the Bay of Quinte Living Council. “As we’ve begun to introduce the region as a great place to vacation, people are realizing that it’s an appealing place to make their home as well. The shift is evident in the numbers we’re seeing across the housing market.”
“Canadian Real Estate Wealth magazine is distributed to more than 200 chains across Canada, and its annual cottage investment edition is a trusted resource for buyers,” said Laura Voskamp, communications co-ordinator with Bay of Quinte Tourism.
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