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Residents asked to reduce water usage in Low-level water statement

A Level 1 Low Water Condition has been issued for the Quinte Conservation Watershed including Prince Edward Countyt and the regions of the Moira, Napanee, and Salmon Rivers.

Despite higher than average water levels on the Bay of Quinte and Lake Ontario, minimal precipitation throughout the last few months has contributed to lower than average groundwater and surface water conditions throughout the watershed.

“The Quinte region has seen a dynamic shift in the spring weather and associated precipitation patterns in recent months,” said Christine McClure, Water Resources Manager. “At the end of a very wet April, the Quinte region was well above seasonal accumulated rains, with well above normal stream flows. A sudden and large decline of precipitation in May and June has resulted in dry conditions, with a recent quick and noticeable decline in stream flows.”

Residents and businesses are asked to reduce water usage by 10 per cent for non-essential uses which includes taking shorter showers, turning the tap off to wash dishes and brush teeth, and watering plants at night and when possible, using rain barrel water to do so.

Quinte Conservation encourages residents experiencing low water to report their conditions using an online form. The form can be found at: or on the main page of the Quinte Conservation website, along with tips for water conservation, at

A Level 1 Low Water Condition means the potential for water supply problems has been identified. A Level 1 condition is managed through existing programs of the Conservation Authorities, municipalities and other key provincial agencies. Low water conditions are ranked as Level 1, 2 or 3 based on a prolonged period of low flows or precipitation. A Level 1 is the least severe and Level 3 is the most severe.

The message will be in effect until (or updated before) Aug. 27, 2020.

Filed Under: Local News

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  1. Angela says:

    I am sick of hearing about “the tourists” as if they were some sacred species. It’s time for the locals to take back the county. Council panders to the tourist operators and ignores its own. On Friday two car loads of tourists were parked in a clearly marked NO Parking section of Ross Street because they wanted to buy ice cream at Slickers. Two of them stood in the road, cones in hand, oblivious to traffic. After all the rules are not for them, just the locals. Before this summer is over the tourists will probably leave a little souvenir behind for the locals – a second wave of COVID-19.

  2. rolf schlichtman says:

    I,too, am fed up with sacrificing for the sake of tourism. $20.00 for parking at wellington beach, even for a short time, is shameful and a slap in the face of local residents. Let the tourists pay and give local people a free pass or a seasonable one for a small fee. We already pay high water rates, and most of us already have reduced our intake, how much more do we have to sacrifice for tourism? A lot of Wellingtonians? contribute to the foodbank by not taking refunds on bottles and cans, We are good people. The needs of the community come before tourism.

  3. Diane says:

    Completely agree with John and Marci! So fed up with tourists this year, much more so than normal, since I am the only one in our household who can go out to shop. Standing in these long lineups in the heat is miserable and it’s made worse by the depleted shelves by the time we finally get in the store. I have had to ask several people to please give me six feet of space while waiting. Maybe the fortunate locals with waterfront should invite LOCALS ONLY to enjoy their beaches and charge a few dollars for the privilege.

  4. Ian says:

    This seems to be a regular occurrence at some point each summer and one that is unlikely to change given the challenges we, and everyone else in the world, face with global warming. It’s a stretch to link this issue with that of access to ‘secret beaches’ and tourists. On the former, I completely agree that it is a ridiculous motion presented to council, on the latter…are tourists washing their cars, watering gardens, doing loads of laundry…?

  5. john and marci says:

    I’m a resident. I’m being asked to reduce my water intake. I am going to be charged to park at Wellington beach if I decide to drive there and park my car, so I can enjoy the sun and water and cool off. After all, the Sandbanks and North beach are regularly filled to capacity. Where else will I go. It sounds like I won’t be able to enjoy any other “secret beaches” because the county wants to begin blocking access. Am I the only person who sees what’s happening here? The locals are paying the price to get the visitors back, and keep them. Pay more and more, with lesser services and access to the natural county wonders. I don’t have any issue with reducing my water intake, but give me an alternative and don’t punish me. Fed up with tourists and visitors – time to start standing up to the county for local’s rights. Do you think the tourists and visitors are reducing their water intake?

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