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Rise of the Guardians explains things we never knew

Paul Peterson

I’m not sure Rise of the Guardians is a Christmas movie in the conventional sense, but if it was it would finally break into my Top 10 of all time great Christmas movies. Every year they trot out some new Santa themed film that falls well short, but this is a really charming movie.

It’s hopefully the first adaption of William Joyces’ series of books, The Guardians of Childhood. Given that knowledge the title makes sense but it doesn’t convey that this is a family picture.
The books create a team of fictional superheroes to protect the innocence of children. The Man in the Moon, Jack Frost, The Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus, the Sandman and The Easter Bunny It’s quite a cadre of characters. Their arch enemy is Pitch, the self deprecating Boogey Man who wants to, of course, banish the Guardians and impose permanent darkness of kids.
It’s really well done.
A little crazed in their chases and thrills and spills and it’s a little grittier than we normally expect our loveable figures to be.
Santa is all inked up and more an homage to the thinner guy who just finished his workout at the gym than the rolly polly fellow we know.
There are some well known voices here.
Alec Baldwin is Santa and Hugh Jackman is The Easter Bunny, a bit of a bungler and doofus but with a seemingly endless supply of eggs and Jude Law is the voice of Pitch.
There are some very sweet moments and even the boogey man has a human side and seems to understand what makes him evil anyway.
I liked the animation and the story line. More importantly the kids loved it.
I really do think they out thought the room when they named it Rise of the Guardians. It sounds more like a gothic novel than a family picture about all these loveable characters but that’s really my only criticism of it. Otherwise it spins a great little story that explains things we never knew like we should pay attention to the man in the moon when he talks and don’t mess with the tooth fairy because her gang of teeth outnumber you a gazillion to one.
Jack Frost is the centre of the action and he has his own personal redemption but at the end of the day does it really matter? Does it? There’s such a dearth of good kids’ movies when one comes along I suggest you scoop it up and enjoy the ride. This is really geared toward kids, and it works for that reason. I thought it was a great watch and recommend it without qualification.
As always, other opinions are welcome, but wrong. That’s it for this week. The cheque’s in the mail and I’m outta here. Paul

Filed Under: News from Everywhere ElsePaul Peterson

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