Road bowl every Sunday
Administrator | Apr 19, 2011 | Comments 0
Prince Edward County Road Bowling is starting its third season in May and new members are welcome.
“It’s an exciting sport for all ages, with players ranging from 5 to 85,” says Mendy Berkson. “It is a stroll down a county road with the whole family enjoying the fun.”
Players meet every Sunday from May 1st to Sept. 17th at the Milford Fair. Rain date will be Wednesday evenings at 7pm.
“The rules are simple and a typical course is a mile to two miles long. Players either compete alone or in two-to-four person teams and try to get to the end of the course in the fewest number of bowls possible,” Berkson explains. “As a player travels down the road, the satisfaction from the game comes from the enjoyment of the journey and not from getting to the finish line first. This sport is perfect for Prince Edward County which is rich in hills and country roads.”
Everybody is welcome to give this fun new sport a try. Road bowling is sponsored by the South Marysburgh Recreation Committee. Bowls are supplied. Players (and bystanders) meet in the parking lot of Mount Tabor in Milford every Sunday at 2pm. Bring some refreshments for a tailgate party after the game. For more information call or e-mail: Mendy Berkson 613-476-4966 Janna McCarthy 613-476-0240 Tom Evans 613-476-2446
Road bowling a popular sport in Ireland:
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