Road surface treatments to get under way
Administrator | Jul 30, 2019 | Comments 2
The municipality has announced road surface treatments will get underway for 2019.
The following roads will undergo surface treatment in 2019:
Single Surface Treatment
County Road 30
Jericho Road
May Road
Fishlake Road (from Norton Road to County Road 5)
Glenora Estates Road
Ways Landing Road
Benham Place Road
Captains Drive
County Road 10 (from Milford to County Road 13)
Sheaba Drive
Chuckery Hill Road (from Loyalist Parkway to 0.7 km easterly)
Double Surface Treatment
Fishlake Road (from Water Road to Norton Road)
Norton Road (from Potter Road to Fish Lake Road)
County Road 8 (from Bongards Crossroad to Rose Crossroad)
Massassauga Road (from Sunrise Drive to the end)
Huffs Island Road (4 km from dead end to end)
County Road 7 (near civic address 3476)
Base Stabilization/Stress Absorbing Membrane Interlayer
Chuckery Hill Road (two sections)
County Road 5 (from County Road 6 to 2 km easterly)
Work will begin on Tuesday, July 30 and is expected to be completed by August 16.
The roads will remain open to traffic at all times; however, traffic delays can be expected.
After the surface treatment, the road will remain dusty for a couple of days as the treatment cures. During this time no water or calcium can be added to the surface.
Filed Under: News from Everywhere Else
About the Author:
It would be interested to have more detail on what can reasonably be expected from this type of surface.
To my recollection Black Road and also Doxsee Road were done in 2015. These roads both have undergone serious degradation (mainly potholes) in the last two years. The pothole repairs are often astonishingly mickey mouse. Possibly they could call me up on days they fill them so I could take my shovel over and tamp them down after them. Seems the goal is to empty the truck as fast as you can.
Looking at the list for surface treatment this year it seems that most roads are expected to last at least 10 years between this work. Black Road is only four years in and is in brutal shape in several spots.
Today they did Fish Lake through the swampy area, right over top of the potholed surface that was there. After the rain this afternoon the water lays in the same potholes that were there prior. No attempt was made to build this up so the same ponds are there stretching along long sections of the road. Unlike other places there was no milling of the previous surface so if this is all they’re going to do I hope we got a heck of a deal on it. Can’t wait to see it in 10 years.
Similarly Jericho Road is marked for a single treatment this year.
Presumably there is some criteria applied to what is done to these roads – either apply new tar and chip on top of the old surface or rip the old up, build up a bit and then do a double treatment. The latter seems to be the way to go. If you’ve got 40 foot stretches of road in which one lane is sunken so much that it is full of water in several places for two days after a rain I don’t see the wisdom in just covering it up again with a cheap single coat.
Is Way’s Landing road not a residential payed for road?