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Royal Canadian Air Cadets celebrate successful year

Cadet Squadron Commander Rachael Cooper

Following successful completion of the Annual Review and Parade, it is customary for 851 Royal Canadian Air Cadets to ceremoniously toss their squadron commander into the pond at Macaulay Conservation Area. Making a splash (inset) is Cadet Squadron Commander Rachael Cooper.
The 851 Prince Edward Squadron celebrated completion of its 34th year during Annual Review ceremonies Sunday at the Macaulay Mountain Conservation Area.
“The year started with the squadron being awarded the Air Cadet League of Canada Ontario Provincial Committee Lord Strathcona Award for being the fourth best squadron in Ontario,” said Lt. Adam Kidd, Training Officer. “It has been a challenging year in which as a small squadron we were able to participate in many activities and have accomplished a magnitude of training.
“As with every training year, the senior cadets have taken on many duties over and beyond what is expected of them while the younger cadets have also met various challenges with enthusiasm and maturity.”
LCol D. A. Moodie, CD was the reviewing officer. The Reviewing Party included Capt. Mike Campbell, CD, Commanding Officer 851 Sqn; Maj. (Ret’d) Ted Cullen, CD, Director, Air Cadet League of Canada Representative; Major (Ret’d) Brian Burke, CD, Sponsoring Committee Chairman, 415 RCAF Wing AFAC and Capt. Christopher Fraser, Air Traffic Control, 8 Wing Cadet Liaison Officer to 852 Sqn.
Cadet Squadron Commander, Warrant Officer First Class Rachael Cooper received numerous awards honouring her work in her final year with the squadron. She will be attending Queen’s University’s nursing and science program in the fall.
Recognition included The Kiwanis Club of Picton Esprit de Corps Award – chosen by the cadets and presented to the individual cadets feel best emulates a positive attitude and the best overall representation of the Squadron during training and in the community. The award is to be renamed
The Jack Ward Esprit de Corps award in honour and recognition of the late Jack Ward.
Cooper also received the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 78 Cadet Instructor Award and the Bill Hockney Memorial Bursary established in 2010 by 415 RCAF Wing Air Force Association in memory of William Hackney, a charter member and long time executive member of 415 Wing.
Lucas McQuoid received the Reviewing Officer’s Award for best-dressed cadet on parade.
Nico Quill received the Commanding Officer’s Trophy as the first year cadet who has shown excellence in attendance, academics, participation and attitude.
Paris Kaczor received The Kinsmen Club of Picton’s Most Improved Cadet Award. She was also promoted to Flight Corporal.
Mayor Peter Mertens presented The Harold Cooper Citizenship Award to Jason Moggridge, Colt Mitchell and Tyson Mitchell.
Jonathan Barlett received the Training Officer’s Award recognizing academic excellence.
Zack Talbot received The Doug Irish Award for creating the best Level 1 Aerodrome Display.
The 415 Wing honoured Kimberly Kennedy as top marksman during the training year. Tyson Mitchell was honoured as the cade achieving the highest score for the team at the Eastern Ontario Area Zone Competition. The Most Improved Marksmen’s award went to Nick Monroe.
The Loyal Orange Lodge Branch 488 presented Colt Mitchell with the Flying Scholarship Award.
Major (Ret’d) Ted Cullen presented a framed print to Adam Busscher, of Picton’s Home Hardware, in thanks for his support. The squdron also thanked Jamie Yeo, of Sobeys.
Following a presentation by the 851 Squadron Precision Drill with Arms Team, cadets formed up on the parade square for photographs, then ceremoniously tossed their squadron commander in the pond.

Cadets between the ages of 12 and 18 meet every Tuesday night. As well as training, over the year they participate at fairs, public school open houses, assist with Royal Canadian Legion Poppy Sales and Remembrance Day services; Salvation Army Kettles, parades, mock evacuations and fire drills, air rifle competition and interactive firefighter training. Call 613 476 6881 for details, or email

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  1. Clements says:

    Amazing article, about an amazing organization.

  2. Karie says:

    Thank you to for the wonderful write up on the 34th Annual Review for 851 Prince Edward Squardron.

    CI Karie Vos
    Admin O
    851 Pricne Edward Air Cadets

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