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Generous support puts wind in Sail for a Cure’s sails

Sandy Macpherson with Sail for a Cure event co-ordinator Kimberley Lander.

A benefit auction, barbecue and dance Saturday night at the Bay of Quinte Yacht Club put wind in Sandy Macpherson’s Sail for a Cure adventure.
“What a night! Sail for a Cure’s benefit dinner raised over $10,000 for the Canadian Cancer Society,” he said.
About 100 supporters attended to help Macpherson raise funds for his August adventure sailing around Lake Ontario to raise funds and awareness for the Canadian Cancer Society.
Organized by Kimberley Lander, the BQYC commodore fundraising surpassed Macpherson’s original goal of $4,500, or $10 per nautical mile.
“I cannot thank Kimberley Lander enough for her extremely hard work in putting this dinner together in three short weeks. Truly an amazing woman,” said Macpherson. “Thanks to all who attended, bid on amazing auction items, and wished me luck on my round the lake journey.”
Lander said she was inspired by a young man who was touched by cancer and decided he could make a difference.
“Sandy is one amazing young man,” said Lander, noting he represented hope.
“Unselfish, kind, inspirational and intelligent – what more can we ask for from the next generation? Supported by a group of generous donors and assisted by awesome volunteers we raised $10,000 for the Hastings and Prince Edward Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society last night.”

Lander noted thanks are due to so many, including the Bay of Quinte Yacht Club for donating the space, the L4 Family Band for donating their time and talent;
Thompson Tents and Events for donating all the linens; Susan Smith and assistants for keeping the food flowing; Matt Jeffs and Nathan Bresett who donated sails and co-organized the event; Sue Rollins at the Hastings and Prince Edward Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society and all the silent auction donors.
“Finally, I want to thank Sandy Macpherson for having the inspiration to take on this journey and support a cause so close to all our hearts,” said Lander.

Sandy will Sail for a Cure – solo and non-stop around Lake Ontario

On August 25th Sandy Macpherson will embark on a nearly 450 nautical mile sail around Lake Ontario.

On August 25th Sandy Macpherson will embark on a nearly 450 nautical mile sail around Lake Ontario.

As more people are catching wind of Sandy Macpherson’s Sail for a Cure, support for the 18-year-old County resident’s journey in August is building.
Macpherson plans to raise funds for the Canadian Cancer Society by sailing non-stop around Lake Ontario in a 24-foot boat called Jack-knife. What makes his challenge unique, is that he is not only sailing alone, but sailing non-stop – ready to brave harsh storm fronts, gale force wind, sleep deprivation, and loneliness as his physical and mental strength is tested over his four to five day sail.

“Despite the fact that I’m not a very good swimmer, and my, ‘First Lake Ontario, THEN THE WORLD!’ attitude is slowly taking over, my trip will be limited within the constraints of Lake Ontario, and if all goes well, no part of me will be completely immersed in water. Nevertheless, there is nothing more satisfying then the approving nod or handshake I get after fully explaining Sail for a Cure.”

Macpherson has just finished his first year at Plymouth University where he is taking a BSc in Navigation and Maritime Science, advancing his sailing knowledge to a professional level. Over the past year he has logged about 1,000 miles in English waters.

“My future aspiration and dream is to become a short-handed ocean racer. I believe I have the mental and physical toughness that is needed for long distance short-handed sailing and I thrive for the element of being sleep deprived while sailing non-stop around the world.”

“I was nine when my Mom signed me up for two weeks of sailing school at the Prince Edward Yacht Club to get me out of her hair and I can never thank her enough for that. Ever since then my life has revolved around sailing. I currently go to Plymouth University where I am a part of the University’s yacht club committee. I am on three different racing teams – one of which is competing in Sail Arabia the Tour in February of 2013. I race as much as possible and have logged approximately 1000 nautical
miles in six months.”

Macpherson is preparing daily for his August 25th launch.

Adam Busscher, of Picton Home Hardware, donates four solar panels that will charge Sandy's large marine battery over the course of the 450 mile trip. "The battery will power my autopilot, which steers the boat when I am sleeping; the radio, which will be used for coast guard check in's and communication with other vessels; my cabin lights, and so many other things on board."

Adam Busscher, of Picton Home Hardware, donates four solar panels that will charge Sandy’s large marine battery over the course of the 450 mile trip. “The battery will power my autopilot, which steers the boat when I am sleeping; the radio, which will be used for coast guard check in’s and communication with other vessels; my cabin lights, and so many other things on board.”

“Nearly every day I spend time either on or off the water preparing physically, mentally and logistically for the challenge. Training on water could include spinnaker hoists and takedowns, spinnaker gybes, heavy weather training, sleeping pattern refinement, reefing and emergency situations. The training will be intensive to minimize risk once the challenge is under way. On shore preparation includes physical exercise, public relations, sponsor relations and contacting potential donors.”

On July 21st, Sail for a Cure’s first benefit dinner, dance and auctions will take place in the main hall of the Bay of Quinte Yacht Club. Tax receiptable cash donations graciously accepted. Tickets are $40+HST. Tickets and details by contacting Kim Lander at 613-922-7245 or

“Supporting the Canadian Cancer Society through this project means a lot to me,” said Macpherson. “Some of my family and friends have battled cancer, which makes it that much more personal.”

He has participated in 13 Terry Fox Runs and various Daffodil drives. He was a member of the social committee for Prince Edward County’s first Relay for Life event.

“I will attempt to raise $4,500 – approximately $10 for each mile sailed, but I need a little help.”

Businesses and individuals are invited to support Sail for a Cure.
Donations may be made in-person at The Source, 97 Main St., Picton; at the Prince Edward Yacht Club, 30 Fairfield St., Picton or one line here:

For details, contact Sandy at 613 921 7179. Follow his blog at or on Facebook at

The challenge begins August 25 in Picton at the Yacht Club where friends, family, and spectators will gather to say bon voyage. He will sail east past Amherst Island until he is in sight of Kingston harbour. He will then turn south heading down the eastern coast of Lake Ontario. Rounding a buoy outside Oswego harbour, he will turn west and continue the passage around several buoys outside St. Catherine’s and Hamilton Harbour. He will then sail inside of the Toronto Islands in hopes that more people see the boat and the sail graphics. After cutting inside the Toronto Islands, he will then head east toward Prince Edward County. After travelling through the Murray Canal, he will sail past Trenton, Belleville and finally Deseronto before making the turn south toward Picton.

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