Scaffolding and most shoring at Royal Hotel expected to be removed as site progress continues
Administrator | Apr 24, 2018 | Comments 5

Royal Hotel photo taken from the second floor
Temporary scaffolding will be taken down this week at the Royal Hotel renovation site downtown Picton. The shoring, except for the front elevation, is expected to be taken out this week as well.
The final grading along the east side has been completed and stone and brick work are under way as the weather warms.
The opening is anticipated for the end of 2019 or early 2020. Construction was stalled last April when the eastern wall settled and buckled.
Work at the adjacent property at 6 Ross St., continues. This building, the former stables of the hotel, will house administrative offices, retail space and additional suites.
The Royal first opened in 1879 and restoration of the heritage designated property is designed to reflect its history as it becomes a 28-room boutique hotel with two restaurants, a small spa, patio garden and lounge with event capacity for up to 150 guests.
Find these photos, videos and more on The Royal Hotel’s Facebook page.
Filed Under: News from Everywhere Else
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Perhaps one of our 50 some police officers could take on that role. They could even do it while on foot patrol in Bloomfield and Wellington. Just one of the several that can’t seem to get off the Provincial Hwy 62.
I think it has been discussed and hiring additional parking attendants for parking enforcement in Bloomfield and Wellington was one of the deciding factors…
Chris, I agree with you. Why not raise these issues with County staff? Or make a deputation to Council. The chance of getting the attention of County government by posting here is somewhere between slim and none.
Exactly Chris Keen. Why our cash strapped council continues to ignore putting pay parking in Welly and Bloomfield is baffling. Picton merchants must also wonder. Let’s level the playing field for everyone.
It’s criminal that the County allowed the previous owners of the Royal Hotel let it deteriorate to the point it did. Mr. Sorbara is certainly owed a huge “thank you” from the County’s residents for undertaking the rebuilding of the hotel. With its 28 guest rooms, conference rooms, spa, café restaurant, large dining room and bar my question is where are the dozens of staff needed to run the hotel going to park?
I’m aware that a parking area was purchased for guest parking. I have never read a word about how staff, outside diners, bar patrons and meeting attendees’ vehicles or 150 potential event participants are going to be accommodated. With the potential for many dozens of hotel users trying to find parking in an already badly underserved town, this has the makings of a disaster. There is simply no way existing spaces, including the lot on King Street, are remotely adequate. What is the plan, I wonder?
Also, on the subject of parking, why are there no parking meters in Bloomfield and Wellington? Council should have addressed this years ago. That’s money left on the table the County could certainly use. Wynne has made it clear she will not raise the HST for infrastructure spending, or allow municipalities to enact a tourist tax, so Council needs to be sure it is using every revenue stream available to it.