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School survey results to be used in student success plan

Results from a public survey indicate parents and guardians are interested in knowing about their child’s progress at school and that they welcome friendly, ongoing communication between the school and home. Similar opinions were expressed by community and education partners, and school board employees.

In the fall of 2011, then-newly-appointed Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board Director Rob McGall launched the survey to gather information from external and internal audiences to assist in setting organizational goals and priorities for the next three to four years. Respondents included employees, parents/guardians, community/education partners and community members from throughout the district. There were 890 surveys completed.

The results point to some priority areas, and some differences of opinion among respondents, as follows:
·         All audiences expressed strong support for the board’s three goals: Success for Each Student, Employee Excellence and Community Connections.
·         All audiences felt the existing focus on character development is highly valued and consider it to be an essential part of student success.
·         Parents/guardians and community partners want welcoming environments, to be provided with caring service and to receive timely responses to phone calls or email inquiries.
·         Parents/guardians and the community want to promote students and schools, and also to raise awareness of schools being available for community use for events and activities.
·         Parents/guardians want more and ongoing communication between school and home, especially with employees who work directly with their children.
·         All audiences indicated the board and school websites be kept up-to-date and made more user-friendly.
·         Employees want to feel valued and their work recognized.

The School District Survey was conducted from Sept. 19 to Oct. 28, 2011. The survey was posted on the school board website for online completion. The link was emailed to all employees, and shared with school councils, several committees and community partners. Paper copies were available at the Education Centre, sent to schools and community partners for anyone who did not have access to the online version. Awareness was also raised through a news release sent to media outlets throughout the district. All responses were anonymous.

The results will be considered when developing the AiM—Achievement in Motion for Student Success System Plan for the 2012-2013 school year and beyond.

The School District Survey Public Report is available online at

Filed Under: Hastings & Prince Edward District School BoardLocal News

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