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Second annual Curl-A-Thon right on the button for County’s hospital build


Representatives from the Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital Foundation (PECMHF) were swept off their feet when the Prince Edward Curling Club members presented $57,022 that will help Back the Build for a new hospital in Prince Edward County (PEC).


Story and photos by Sharon Harrison
JAN. 28: The Prince Edward Curling Club members, supporters and community participants were best out of the hack this weekend as they swept in with full support.

Twenty-four hours of continuous curling has resulted, for the second year in a row, into a significant contribution toward fundraising efforts for the new County hospital, much to the delight of everyone, and especially the Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital Foundation (PECMHF).

This past weekend’s Curl-A-Thon raised $48,430 in pledges alone, where the total will increase (to more than $50,000) once sales of the 50/50 draw, the squares, kitchen sales and silent auction are tallied. But word is, the 2024 Prince Edward Curling Club Curl-A-Thon is expected to raise a similar amount to last year’s total, for an accumulated total of more than $100,000 ($51,103.90 was raised last year).

“I’m over the moon to say in two years it’s over $100,000 we have done,” said Ron Stakes, curling club member and event co-organizer.

Setting their expectations a little lower this year after last year’s enormous success, organizers knew they had it nailed when 162 curlers signed-up for this year’s Curl-A-Thon – surpassing last year’s 112 curlers.

“Our goal this year was $35,000; we realized the economy has changed a little bit; it’s the second year of the event, so it might not have as much momentum, but we got more curlers out, and things went swimmingly,” said Stakes. “Last year, we brought in (in pledges) $43,674.35, and I am very pleased to say we broke that by almost $5,000.”

“I can’t say enough about the donations we got from businesses and individuals in the County – it’s just truly astonishing,” said Pam Piercey, curling club member and event co-organizer.

Each curler had to pledge at least $100 ($400 for a team of four).

With organizers hoping to attract more local business participation this year, along with encouraging a little friendly rivalry (and ultimately serious bragging rights), they were not disappointed when numerous businesses stepped up with corporate challenge teams – Home Hardware, Fiddlehead Farms, Russ and Co., 99.3 County FM, Closson Chase Vineyards, McDougall Insurance and Evans Lumber, among them – as well as three teams of PEC firefighters.

Piercey noted many participants in this year’s Curl-A-Thon had never curled before, but were eager to learn and they took advantage of the club’s offer of training sessions ahead of the event.

“They will become club members too, so it’s been a fantastic event to raise the profile of our club, and of curling in general,” she said.

Piercey also thanked the many supporters and club members.

“The people in this club always come through, and no exception this time, and we had tremendous support in the kitchen, ice-making, and also behind the bar.”

All the food sold in the kitchen during the 24-hour event was donated by local businesses.

Silent auction items included a drill, artwork, a yoga package, gift certificates and plenty of alcohol-themed gift baskets.

Judy Edwards, the 50/50 draw winner, won $1,272.50. And one hundred squares were sold for $20 each, with $1,000 going to PECMHF and $1,000 going to the winner.

Piercey noted a number of individuals brought in more than$1,000 each in pledges, but the top three individuals with the highest amount of pledges were acknowledged.

Ron Stakes had $1,690 in pledges, Ilona Anderson $2,250, and in top place with $10,117 in pledges was Vanessa Van Sittart.

Along with many club members and Curl-A-Thon participants, present for the wrap-up event on Sunday were representatives from Quite Health and PECMHF, including Lisa O’Toole (Quinte Health board chair), Stacey Daub (president and CEO Quinte Health), Barbara McConnell (PECMHF board director), and Monica Alyea and Peggy Payne (both PECMHF board members).

“This is such community spirit; you have fun and you help build a new hospital,” said Barbara McConnell, PECMHF board director.

She noted the Back the Build campaign total raised currently sits at $21 million, where their goal is to reach $27 million, with $6 million yet to raise.

Shovels are expected to be in the ground to begin construction of the new hospital this year, in the fall.

“Our projection is we will open the doors of the new hospital in 2027,” said McConnell. “It will include an in-patient room (in the name of Prince Edward Curling Club), 24/7 emergency, dialysis, in-patient services, and will have a CT scanner.”

She reminded that PECMHF is raising 10 per cent of the bricks and mortar for the new hospital build, and 100 per cent of the equipment costs.

Visit for more about the Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital Foundation and ways to donate to the Back the Build campaign.

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