Shirtless anglers reel in a weekend of fun
Administrator | Feb 08, 2015 | Comments 0
Participants reeled in a weekend of fun – prior to Sunday’s stormy weather – at the sixth annual Fishing Derby at Merland Park.
Jennifer and Kevin Lavers host the event – known for its many ice games that kick off with shirtless men trying to catch the first fresh fish.
Pike, pickerel perch and great prizes were reeled in by participants from all over Ontario, Quebec and even some from the U.S. who paid $250 for two nights accommodation, dinners and cold hard fun.
Proceeds from the Ice Fishing Derby go to the local Kiwanis Club. Over the past five years close to $7,000 has been presented for the club’s Terrific Kids program. Kiwanis volunteers lend a hand over the weekend and help organize the on-ice games, open to the public for a $20 entry fee for an afternoon of fishing fun.
Images from Phil Norton and Marilyn Holland. Norton leads local photographers and nature-lovers on half-day, full-day and event tours to reconnect with nature and enjoy photography. Holland is a group member. Visit for details.
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