Subdivision projects gain council approval
Administrator | Jul 28, 2015 | Comments 0
Prince Edward County council authorized an agreement for “pre-servicing” construction related to the Pineridge subdivision in Picton.
Owner David Cleave’s request was examined at tonight’s council meeting.
The $1 million project is expected to build 34 detached homes, south east of Carrying Place. Work for this stage would include installation of water and waste water lines, roads, sidewalks and curbs.
The subdivision was given draft approval in 2010.
Council also gave final approval to phase one of the Watermark on the Bay subdivision at Rossmore.
Eight detached homes are to be built, as part of the 44 home subdivision. Engineering, Development and Works staff together with Recreation, Fire Department, County Solicitor, Quinte Conservation, Canada Post, Hydro One and Bell Canada are satisfied with the proposed final plan of subdivision.
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