Sunshine bursts on scene as Royal Tour unfolds in Wellington
Sue Capon | Jun 30, 2017 | Comments 5
Thunderous applause and the first brilliant sunshine of the day burst open at the exact moment the motorcade for the Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall arrived in downtown Wellington, Friday.
Prince Charles and Camilla walked the few blocks to greet well wishers lining the barricades along Main Street, before being officially greeted at the entrance to the Wellington Farmers’ Market.
They were welcomed by Lieutenant Governor of Ontario Elizabeth Dowdeswell, Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne, Prince Edward County Mayor Robert Quaiff, and his wife Susan Quaiff, and Farmers’ Market organizer Louise McFaul.

The Prince and Duchess in discussion before entering the Farmers’ Market, then about-faced to greet more of the crowds along the Main Street.
They fanned out to visit guests in attendance, and almost all 55 vendors, taking time to ask questions and learn about the varied products on display.
“The Royal Visit was one of the most exciting, once-in-a-lifetime events for myself and the vendors,” said McFaul. “Celebrating Canada 150 with our community, with our neighbours and friends, gives me such a sense of joy and personal fulfillment. I am beyond thrilled.”
McFaul thanked the many dedicated volunteers and community members who bring their best game to Prince Edward County.

Wellington Market Director Louise McFaul introduces Prince Charles to Humble Bread. – John Brebner photo
“Our community is strengthened by our entrepreneurial spirit and our wholehearted dedication to volunteerism, qualities that I think enticed Their Royal Highnesses to visit with us in Wellington.”
Premier Wynne and Mayor Robert Quaiff had welcomed the crowds previous to the arrival of Their Royal Highnesses.
“It is just a thrill,” said Wynne. “I had the honour of greeting the Royal visitors when they came off the plane and I got quite emotional… Thank you for this strong community, the Farmers’ Market and the obvious community spirit and commitment that is demonstrated here.”
“Their Royal Highnesses value farm-to-table and shopping locally,” said Quaiff. “These two ideals help to define our community – the County is celebrating its 225th year – and they are on display across the County and here today in Wellington.”
Honey King was thrilled to be photographed with Prince Charles while he visited the Stonefield Eden Alpacas booth. Dee Hazell said she told Camilla alpaca wool was warm and soft. “She asked me how many I had and I told her 19, and one on the way. She was very lovely. It was very exciting.”

Premier Wynne looks on as the Wellington United Church ladies prepare strawberries and cake for Their Royal Highnesses. – John Brebner photo
Christina Gomes and Troy Morrissey, owners of the PEC Hot Sauce Company, were thrilled the duchess stopped at their booth.
“She was very nice,” said Morrissey. She said her son likes chillies. I think that’s what they call hot sauce, and asked if we grew them here. Morrissey said he’s not the nervous type, but Gomes added she felt embarrassed that her hand may have been a bit sweaty when she greeted the Duchess.”
Camilla made a special trip around the side of a market booth to greet Abudi Mustafa who was there with his PEC Syria family’s business, Papa Ghanoush and Momma Hummus.
Bay of Quinte MP Neil Ellis looks on as Tyendinaga Mohawk Chief R. Donald Maracle told their Royal Highnesses about the double silver communion set given in 1710 that is still in use at the Christ Church, Her Majesty’s Royal Chapel of the Mohawks, in Deseronto.

Prince Charles took a few moments to meet with Maureen and former PEC mayor Leo Finnegan, inside the Farmers’ Market.

His taste buds must have been piqued at the Scottish Accents booth when owners mention a product that had a ‘kick’. So much so that the Prince tried a sample and nodded his approval.

Six-year-old Remy Dullard Krizay was delightful in her British telephone box outfit she had on stash from Halloween last year.
Ali MacDonald was thrilled when Camilla arrived at her booth and asked about her County and commemorative T-shirts. “She asked how long I had been doing it and shook my hand and my grandmother’s hand. Very gracious, so lovely. Everybody keeps touching my hand, joking I may never wash it.” MacDonald was thrilled she remembered her protocol.
“I curtsied and didn’t fall over, maintained eye contact and did all the things I was supposed to, which I didn’t predict I would be able to pull off,” she laughed.
Susan Crevier, of Adolphustown, managed to get two handshakes. “When they arrived I got to shake hands with Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall and she spoke to me about my hat and the Red Hat Society.” When she moved further down, she got to shake the Prince’s hand. “He told me that I looked very nice and that just made my day.”
As their motorcade awaited their departure, the Prince and Duchess visited members of the public lined up behind the barricades on Main Street one more time. As they returned to thank officials for the lovely afternoon, they were spontaneously serenaded by the crowd singing a rousing version of God Save the Queen.
With waves out the car window, they were off to the Norman Hardie Winery to treat their palates to food and wine prepared by local farmers, producers and chefs at the Norman Hardie Winery.
Photos at Norman Hardie Winery by John A. Brebner, for Countylive

Norman Hardie leads Their Royal Highnesses on a tour of the winery. MP Neil Ellis chats with Camilla along the way.

Rosehall Run owners Dan and Lynn Sullivan chat with Prince Charles during his visit to the Norman Hardie Winery.

Their Royal Highnesses speak with Edward Rose who was a Prisoner of War with Camilla’s father in Germany during the Second World War.
The Prince and Duchess began their day under heavy rain at CFB Trenton where they greeted members of the military and honoured soldiers who died in Afghanistan.
Charles observed a search and rescue demonstration while Camilla met with the Queen’s Own Rifles as she is Colonel-in-Chief of the regiment.
They took part in a commemorative wreath laying at the Afghanistan Repatriation Memorial site.
They have returned to Ottawa for Saturday’s Canada Day celebrations on Parliament Hill, where Prince Charles is expected to deliver remarks.
Gov. Gen David Johnston announced Friday the Prince of Wales has been appointed to the extraordinary companion category of the Order of Canada in recognition of his support for Canadian charitable activities and for the men and women in the Canadian Armed Forces. He is to receive that honour Saturday morning at Rideau Hall.
Filed Under: Arts & Culture • cheers • Featured Articles • Local News • What's To Eat? • Wineries-Cider-Breweries
About the Author:
Really nice to see the well written story. Fantastic pictures for the County’s Big Day!!! So much has changed since I left in ’88. Proud to have been part of the County scene in my 21 years there!
Thank you countylive for these wonderful pictures and write up, and so quickly, about this great day in the county.
Louise, you did us proud!
The photo and story of Edward Rose was very touching
This was a very special event for our community.It would not have happened if not for the Farmers’ Market at Wellington United Church. Louise McFaul deserves an immense amount of credit for her web site and the Market she has developed over the past 5 years which drew the Royal couple to our County. Well done and thank-you, Louise!