Tag Day donations help hospital patients rest easier
Administrator | Jun 17, 2014 | Comments 0
Evelyn Beaumont, Fran Donaldson and Laverne McConnell counted up just over $4,100 collected by about 60 volunteers at this year’s Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital Tag Day.
Tag Day donations by County residents and visitors to the Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital Auxiliary last week will help others sleep easier.
Donations will go toward the purchase of three mattresses for stretchers in the emergency department for use by people with fragile skin; and a sleeping chair at Picton hospital to allow a patient’s friend or family member to spend the night in the same room and get a bit of rest.
Between Picton and Wellington, there were about 60 volunteers on Tag Day who collected just over $4,100. The auxiliary will top up the amount to $4,800 – the sum requested by the hospital to make the purchases.
Organizers Judy Anderson, Beth McConnell, Sue Law and Art Hewer thank all the auxiliary members who took time to sell tags, make food, pick up donations, help the treasurer, and to St. Andrew’s Church, Picton, for use of the church as the headquarters for the day.
On Thursday, June 19th, the Hospital Auxiliary Thrift Shop (next to Tim Hortons) will change to summer hours, keeping the shop open on Thursdays and Fridays until 8 p.m.
Filed Under: cheers • News from Everywhere Else
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