All Entries Tagged With: "BIA"

Coke to co-ordinate Downtown Revitalization Project
Council on Tuesday is expected to sign an agreement for the $102,500 grant in funding for the County’s Downtown Revitalization Project announced in December. Tom Coke, the County’s new Downtown Revitalization Coordinator, prepared the report for council. The grant provides half of the total project expenses and helps pays his wages. Coke will lead the […]
Administrator | Mar 09, 2015 | Comments 96

Ryan Malcolm delights County fans
He’s come a long way since his reign as the first Canadian Idol, but there’s always “Something More” in the wings for Ryan Malcolm – and his fans. Malcolm delighted a few hundred County fans Sunday afternoon, singing favourites, signing autographs and posing for photographs. “We have a great fan base around the Quinte area,” […]
Administrator | Aug 01, 2010 | Comments 1