All Entries Tagged With: "budget"

Minor changes expected at County’s hospital
The County’s hospital is expected to be spared in Quinte Health Care’s proposal released Wednesday to issue 39 layoff notices for union positions from among the four hospitals. Prince Edward County Mayor Robert Quaiff was told proposed changes do not involve any immediate plans to eliminate beds or services at PECMH. “We have been reassured […]
PEC budget increase 2.54%; average tax increase .90%; tax rate decrease 5.36%
Prince Edward County Council received the report of the treasurer Tuesday morning stating that: The 2011 operating and capital budget be approved as amended with a net tax levy of $24,490,829, being a budget increase of 2.54%, an average tax increase of 0.90% and a tax rate decrease of 5.36%. In approving the gross capital […]
Has council done enough on budget?
On Tuesday, March 29 at 9:30 a. m. in the council chambers at Shire Hall, the council will present its final budget for the year 2011 to the public. The council and staff have been working on the budget for several weeks. Have they done enough? Have they cut enough expenses? Many candidates ran on […]