All Entries Tagged With: "library"

Kiwanis donate gift of Disney to library
CHEERS! to The Picton Kiwanis, represented by President John Langschmidt, Director Linda Wilson and Treasurer Don Houghton, who presented a gift of more than 70 Walt Disney DVDs to the Picton Library, represented by CEO Barbara Sweet and Chairman of the Board Ian Balsillie. This gift is for all library users but especially aimed to […]

It was a jungle out there in the County Tuesday
By Bill Samuel Young and older, nearly 150 people came to see big cats, snapping turtles, snakes, skunks and assorted creatures who visited at the Ameliasburgh Town Hall Tuesday. The presentation put on by Jungle Cat World, of Orono, was hosted by the Prince Edward County Libraries and also featured a visit to Wellington. Starting […]

Teen artists show talent at Library gallery
By Bill Samuel Teen artists are showing off their talents at the Picton library’s Teen Room gallery until August 21. The Liam Garrett Memorial Teen Art Show opened Saturday with a reception. The event is named in memory of Garrett, in recognition of his many contributions. County residents between the ages of 13-19 were eligible […]