All Entries Tagged With: "safety tips"

Holidays heating up?
Cooking fires were responsible for the deaths of three people and the serious injury of two more over the past week in Ontario. Because these fires were easily preventable, the Prince Edward County Fire Department is urging residents to stay in the kitchen when cooking. “The hustle and bustle of the holiday season means it […]

Car seat clinic helps children get home safely
Parents and caregivers generally make sure children are buckled up when they are in a vehicle – but are they truly safe? Deanna Lindsay, executive director with SEATS for Kids Canada, says no, they are not always safe because in many cases, parents and caregivers do not have knowlege of the correct use of child […]

Make Fire Safety Part of your Holiday Preparation
This holiday season, the Prince Edward County Fire Department and Fire Prevention Officer Michael Branscombe urge you to treat fire with respect. Every year in Ontario, the joy of the holiday season is marred by tragic fire deaths. ”Before the festivities begin, test your smoke alarms and review your fire escape plan with your family and […]