Teachers’ federations rally for education Thursday
Administrator | Nov 14, 2019 | Comments 0
Members of the local Elementary Teachers’ Federation, and the Secondary School Teachers’ Federation, will be holding a Rally for Public Education today at MPP Todd Smith’s constituency office in Rossmore from 4-4:30 p.m.
ETFO members recently voted 98 per cent in favour of strike action, if necessary
“We’re committed to protecting and enhancing public education,” said Scott Marshall, president of the local OSSTF District 29. “We believe that it’s in the public interest to keep everyone informed of the collective bargaining process, what’s at stake, and what our position is.”
All materials currently related to central negotiations are posted on a public website bargainingforeducation.ca.
“The reality is this government is still moving forward with deep cuts to public education that will have a negative impact on the success of students in the system and set back the gains made over the past decade,” said Dave Henderson, President of ETFO Hastings-Prince Edward. “A report released by the Conference Board in Canada this past June clearly demonstrated that each dollar spent on public education yields a total of $1.30 in economic benefits to Ontario.
“At the same time, the inverse holds true for each dollar taken from public education. These cuts are bad for students today, and bad for Ontario in the long run.”
“The government has not come to the table with serious proposals for a deal”, said Henderson. “They have raised junior-intermediate class sizes by regulation, and clearly have designs on the current Kindergarten model which includes a partnership of a teacher and a DECE.
“Bringing a proposal for $150 million in additional cuts to elementary has only escalated the situation.”
“In addition measures to address the increasing levels of violence in our classrooms are essential if the government is serious about avoiding a strike,” Henderson added.
Smith’s office is located at 5503 Hwy 62 South, Unit D, Rossmore.
Filed Under: News from Everywhere Else
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