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The Energy Challenge

Ontario’s Energy Need – Climate change is an important issue facing our planet today. Governments and concerned citizens worldwide are searching for balanced solutions that benefit Stakeholders and the environment. The development of wind power is the fastest growing source of renewable electricity generation.

Humans are the most successful species on the planet, but we are using more resources that the Earth can provide. This is leading to a depletion of Earth’s life supporting natural capital and a buildup of waste. We are exploiting our local ecosystem more rapidly than it can renew itself.

Between 1993 and 2003 Ontario’s electricity generating capacity fell by 6% while  demand grew by 8.5%. The province estimates that by 2025 the energy gap will have grown to approximately 10,000 MW.  In addition, according to the Ontario Power Authority, between now and 2025, Ontario must refurbish or replace nearly 25,000 MW of the province’s current generating capacity. This provincial mandate calls for a higher contribution from renewable sources. By 2020 Ontario wants 15% of its energy to come from wind which amounts to approximately 5,000 MW of generating capacity.  This compares with the current contributions by wind of only 1.3%.  Currently, Ontarians spend just over CAN $7 billion each year on electricity to power their homes. A 10% efficiency saving would mean CAN $700 million more in the pockets of homeowners across the province.  Gilead was founded to help fill this need and respond to the public’s demand for more additional cleaner energy sources.

Ostrander Point Project

The Ostrander Point project is located on the south shore of Prince Edward County.
A 44 kV transmission line will be constructed from the project site to the provincial electricity grid at the Milford Distribution Station.  When developed, this wind farm has the potential of providing power for approximately 5,600 homes per year.

Show your Support for Ostrander Point Wind Energy Park… click here to learn more.

Green Terms (Acronyms)

anemometer – a device that measures wind speed.

atmosphere – the blanket of air that surrounds Earth.

climate – weather in a region over a long period of time.

drive shaft – the rod turned by a wind turbine’s blades.

ecology – the study of the relationships between people, plants and animals and their environment.

fossil fuels – coal, oil, and natural gas, derived from prehistoric plant and animal remains trapped in rock.

generator – a device that produces electricity such as that provided by fuel or by wind.

greenhouse effect – The warming of the earth’s atmosphere caused by hazardous pollution from burning fossil fuels.

kilowatt – a unit for measuring electrical power; one kilowatt is the rate at which about 100 homes use power.

megawatt –   a unit for measuring electrical power ; one million watts of energy.

pitch control – changing the angle of blades to control the speed at which they spin.

power grid station – a plant where electricity is generated.

renewable energy – power from natural sources that cannot be used up, no matter how much is used, such as the wind and sun.

turbine –  a machine powered by rotating blades that can be turned by wind, water, gas or steam which transforms to produce electric current on a generator.

wind farm – an area of land with a large number of electricity-generating windmills or wind turbines.

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