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Thompson shaves 35-year-beard for mom’s favourite charity

Ted Thompson took it all off for the food bank – 35 years worth of beard growth, that is, raising $740.25 and several boxes of food.
It was his friend Tina’s idea to have him shave, but he was resistant until she asked him to name his favourite charity.
Ted’s mother, Beth Thompson, is the founder of the Picton United Church County Food Bank some 27 years ago and is still active there.
“The County people have always been responsive and supportive of its needs has has the Picton United Church,” says food bank director Pat Romkey. “The church has donated the space and facilities at no cost to the food bank and none of our volunteers is paid. All donations are used for the needs of the clients. We thank each and every one for caring and sharing.”
Ted was happy to donate to the cause but misses his beard.  He’s growing it back.

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