Trail Riders raise $1,000 for Easter Seals
Administrator | Feb 09, 2011 | Comments 0
The County has more than 200kms of trails maintained during the winter by the Prince Edward Trail Riders Snowmobile Club volunteers.
Recently, more than 80 riders raised $1,000 for Easter Seals during a snowy ride along the Millennium Trail, a poker run and dinner and dance to thank landowners along the route.
“Our trail system would not be possible without our generous landowners,” said Jamie Forrester PE Trail Riders Club president. “As a ‘thank you’ they were invited to join the festivities free of charge and dinner was on the club.”
The club formed in 1979 and – snow or not – organizes this annual family ride and landowner appreciation day. Over the last few years the event has become an Easter Seals fundraiser.
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