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Trees downed at proposed WPD turbine site

Trees downed along Hilltop RoadPrince Edward County Field Naturalists report a recent tour of the proposed site for the White Pines Project industrial wind turbines shows road work already under way.
“This premature road construction before any public consultation has taken place is abhorrent,” says Cheryl Anderson, of PECFN. “Does WPD think that the citizens of Prince Edward County are just going to sit idly by while the South Shore IBA is attacked in this fashion?”
The 29-turbine site is to be developed in South Marysburgh and Athol by WPD Canada. Company officials will set up display panels and answer questions Thursday, March 22 from 5:30-8 p.m. at Prince Edward Collegiate Institute.

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  1. Gil says:

    Bring on the “Election” so we can remove Dalton (as we did with Leona D.) and his croonies from driving us into the electrical “poor house”.
    Paying Out Millions to “Please Take our Surplus Power/Electricity” is rediculuse to say the least.
    You have to go Liberals!!!!

  2. David Norman says:

    Mark, the dystopian world of the County Sustainability Group
    of ideologues does not truly allow for consideration of others, despite their claims of concern for their “children and grandchildren”. It cannot, for by the very nature of their ideology in this respect they are, despite any claims they might make otherwise,facilitating and empowering this destruction and much more yet to come… they could not feel their (wind) “power” if it were not for our/others fear and suffering. I know that in their private thoughts they recognize the folly of their Industrial Wind Turbine suppositions, but they cannot admit this publicly, or perhaps even to themselves, for that would compromise their group-think and leave them vulnerable like those that oppose them in this respect. I recognize that the nature of this issue could not be otherwise from a human perspective… this is simply a symptom of a much larger human cultural delusion that even their ego centric perspective will not reconcile and survive.

  3. Mark says:

    It’s a mockery. I wonder if the County Sustainability Group would ever respond to such reckless behavior? In their aloof minds it is all good and they know what is best for all of us easy target County folk. This is a sad state of affairs. The question/answer on March 22nd should be very interesting.

  4. Doris Lane says:

    I am surprised that McGinty does not realize that Ontario cannot afford to go ahead with big wind. We have no money to give away to these people and that is what we are doing just throwing away our tax dollars and the costing tax payers a fortune for their electricity

  5. Pete Johnson says:

    This action demonstrates the arrogance of those who already know that “public consultation” is a formality. In fact, our Premiere has made sure that wherever the wind power companies want to put a turbine, that’s OK. Until he goes, that’s the way it is going to be.

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