Trip Down Under in Picton lottery winners’ plan
Administrator | Feb 27, 2019 | Comments 1

Kathleen O’Donoghue and Brian Blasdale are looking at a trip and a car with their lottery winnings.
Kathleen O’Donoghue and Brian Blasdale of Picton may take a trip and upgrade their old car after winning $100,000 in the Feb. 16, 2019 LOTTO 6/49 Super Draw.
The LOTTO 6/49 Super Draw offered 25 guaranteed prize draws of $100,000 in addition to the main jackpot and the guaranteed $1 million prize draw.
“We’ve been playing for a long time,” shared Kathleen, a 72-year-old retired social worker, while at the OLG Prize Centre in Toronto with Brian, an 83-year old retired Ryerson professor. “Brian only plays LOTTO 6/49 but I play LOTTO MAX, LOTTARIO and LOTTO 6/49.”
Kathleen checked their ticket at a retailer and headed to the counter in disbelief.
“I thought I had won something big, and then the machine went wild!” she laughed.
The married parents of three and grandparents of three plan on taking a trip to Australia and are thinking about what to do with the rest.
“Brian has a 16-year old car so he’s probably going to get a new one,” smiled Kathleen.
The winning ticket was purchased at Giant Tiger on Elizabeth Street in Picton.
Filed Under: Local News
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