Turtles vs Turbines in autumn; pre-hearing next week
Administrator | May 06, 2015 | Comments 1
The case of turtles versus turbines is expected to continue early autumn due to the judges’ schedules and summer breaks. However, the pre-hearing teleconference is to be held next week.
The Prince Edward County Field Naturalists will again face Gilead Power Corporation continuing its case for nine industrial wind turbines at Ostrander Point, on the southern shore of the County. The Ontario Court of Appel last month reversed a lower court ruling and reinstated the finding of the Environmental Review Tribunal that “serious and irreversible harm” to threatened Blandings Turtles will occur if the project operates as approved. The court determined a return to the Environmental Review Tribunal to allow Gilead the opportunity to bring “new evidence” about gates on the access roads.
The pre-hearing teleconference is to be held Wednesday, May 13 at 10 a.m. It will be open to the public and instructions for joining the call are to be announced closer to the date.
Eric Gillespie, legal representative for the Prince Edward County Field Naturalists, emphasized the importance for the ERT to be held in Prince Edward County.
He told PECFN the length of time needed for the tribunal will depend on how much material Gilead Power attempts to include.
“If they follow the Appeal Court’s ruling, the only material to investigate would be the ‘new evidence’ that is, their plan to install gates on the access roads. In response, PECFN will prove, once again, that it is the access roads themselves that will cause irreversible harm to the habitat of the Blanding’s turtle,” said Cheryl Anderson, of PECFN.
Fund raising to help pay the legal expenses continues Saturday, May 9. A garage sale, hosted by the County Coalition for Safe and Appropriate Green Energy (CCSAGE) is to be held at the barn at the corner of Highway 33 and Cty Rd 34. Funds to be raised for legal expenses are to be shared between PECFN for the Ostrander Point Appeal Fund and the Alliance to Protect Prince Edward County, (APPEC).
Filed Under: Local News
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