Two solar projects on council’s agenda
Administrator | Nov 07, 2016 | Comments 10
UPDATE: Projects approved to move forward.
Two solar energy projects will seek municipal support from Prince Edward County council, Tuesday night at Shire Hall.
Compass Energy Consulting, and Ziugang (Roger) Zhang are scheduled to speak regarding Feed-in-Tariff 5 projects.
The Independent Electrical System Operator (IESO) has been tasked with procuring a limited amount of power generation through FIT 5.0 program in 2016. Renewable energy developers with projects between 10 – 500 kw seek advantages to assist in gaining a contract as applications are time-stamped and weighted according to priority points. Municipalities have the opportunity to provide priority points to projects by granting a Municipal Support Resolution for the FIT 5.0 window which opened Oct. 31.
At its Committee of the Whole meeting Oct. 13, the two developers indicated interest in obtaining the resolutions, but because of the short window to submit applications and supporting documents before council’s Oct. 25 meeting, the requests and presentations were moved to the Nov. 8 council meeting.
The Compass Energy Consulting ground mount project is proposed to be fronted on Mowbray Road (no municipal address). The County’s Engineering Development and Works Commission expressed some concern about the narrow road and also noted the parcel that will host the solar array fronts on Airport Lane, which is seasonal.
The commission noted no initial concerns with the application from Xiugang (Roger) Zhang, for a ground mount solar project at 1637 County Road 14 in Ameliasburgh.
The County has required the applicants provide a $6.16 per kW annual levy based on capacity of the generation facilities.
Council is considering a 500 kW ground mount solar application from Compass Energy which could provide revenue for the municipality of $3,080 annually for the 20-year life of the contract. Zhang’s 250 kW application would provide $1,540 in revenue annually for the 20 year life of the contract.
Tuesday’s council meeting at Shire Hall begins at 7 p.m.
Filed Under: Local News
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I have a number of questions how much will the developers be making per site and what is the percentage they will be giving to the county . . . it is one thing to say $3,080 and $1540 annual but at what eventual cost to the county. The second question is what happens to the sites after 20 years; what will the county’s responsibility be to maintain/rehabilitate – remove the solar panels? The last questions are who will be benefiting from the energy; the taxpayer of the province, the developers or the provincial liberals who will/have received political donations from the developers to provide energy that is not needed.
The Mayor opposes solar and wind which many do. But can support the Terminal. I realize the carbon footprint these energy machines create but where is the balance with pollution?
Diana i travelled CTY RD 14 today and do not think the condition of the road from hwy 62 to doxsee rd is bad at all. a section of the road farther on is getting work done on it now as it is in far worse shape
Council nay saved it!
maybe some of the nay sayers should try their hand at running the county
Does this mean they will open airport road year around ?
It stop or at least slow the garbage problem along there
Was there public consultation on this? County Rd 14 to be driven further into disrepair, no repairs done to it since the solar farm on Doxsee Rd and Black Rd was installed 3 years ago.
Ontario has an abundance of energy and sells it off to the US for less than what we Canadians pay.
Dollars and sense. Do the math. Do your homework council!
First of all, Ontario does not need any more power – this is nothing but a cash grab by these companies. Our community is the loser here – we lose our open fields and beautiful landscapers and for what – $3000 and $1500 dollars per year? Just like the community of Aberfoyle that lost their water supply thanks to Nestle and our provincial government – we lose not only our environment, we also lose our ability to say what we want and don’t want. And really other than the companies, who wants this kind of development in the County? We sure don’t benefit from it and it looks like #%$& !!!
Once again they come knocking on the door. Once again if we need the energy which is debatable, why not construct them all along the 401. Clear access to sun, few residential people affected and direct link to existing power infrastructure. Much better fit than a scenic County like Prince Edward.