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Unlimited learning for caring teenagers

Quinte Youth Unlimited

Quinte Youth Unlimited members cleaning up the beach in Florida.

Youth Unlimited Florida group

Quinte Youth Unlimited members gather for a group photo during their working week in Florida.

Under the banner of Quinte Youth Unlimited, 29 teenagers and seven adults from Prince Edward County, and all over the Quinte area, travelled to St. Petersburg Florida to clean beaches, build houses, form friendships and memories that will last a lifetime.

The Youth Unlimited trip is an annual event that happens during March Break. In past years the group has helped rebuild after hurricane Katrina.
“This was our first trip to Florida,” says the County’s Andrew MacKay, of Quinte Youth Unlimited. “Our intention was to help clean up the BP oil spill, but by the time we got there, there wasn’t any oil to clean up. Our trip was hosted by Going The Distance Adventure Ministries, based in Florida, so they were able to connect us with local Habitat For Humanity projects and a few other projects such as a horse ranch that offers therapy and fun for physically and mentally challenged children.

Andrew MacKay

Andrew MacKay at work on a Habitat for Humanity project in Florida.

Quinte Youth Unlimited Habitat Home

Quinte Youth Unlimited members working on a Habitat Home project in Florida

“Although the trip is a service project that benefits other communities, I believe that the ones who benefit the most are the teens who travel with us, experience another culture, learn about the value of service, and form friendships and memories that last a lifetime.”
“It was so awesome. It was that perfect blend of service, laying on a beach, relaxing in cots, sleeping in tents, making friends, sight-seeing, peer counselling, van driving and memory making. Our group was so amazing. Each day we put in approximately six hours of service, spent a few hours on the beach, and a few hours sitting around a campfire listening to each other’s life stories, and learning about God.

Youth Unlimited will host its Spring Fundraiser Friday, April 15 at Blumen.
Enjoy a delicious meal in support of Youth Unlimited (Prince Edward County). There will be no plea for donations, MacKay says, “The $100 for your meal will include your donation.”
Blumen opens at 5pm and will seat you at whatever time suits you best.
The charitable portion of your meal ($65) will be tax receiptable.
If you have further questions, contact Andrew MacKay at 613-849-7521.

Filed Under: Local Services

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