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Virtual public meeting for Picton Heights development

A virtual public information meeting is set for Tuesday, Nov. 16 at 7 pm regarding planning applications for more than 500 housing unites at Picton Heights.

Through a Draft Plan of Subdivision, the applicant is proposing to create a subdivision with 439 separately conveyable residential units and 86 residential rental units. The subdivision as proposed would be comprised of the following:
– 294 three-storey stacked back-to-back townhouse units
– 84 three-storey apartment units
– 72 three-storey on-street townhouse units
– 54 two-storey stacked back-to-back townhouse units
– 16 semi-detached and 2 single-detached dwellings.

The subdivision includes the creation of a municipal road through centre of the subject lands.

The VineRidge courtyard style three storey set of buildings replaces existing older units in the Nery / Inkerman section. The 526 new units would be built in nine stages through 2030. Most are to be market priced.

Fred Heller, president of FLC Group developing the initiative, notes assurance that 15 per cent of the new project will promote ownership or rental by families that would benefit from support or subsidy. VineRidge is working with the County’s Affordable Housing Corporation and Prince Edward Lennox Addinging Social Services.

“Within the 526 units, we propose several initiatives addressing affordability for families and individuals: 26 units with mortgage assistance to home ownership; 30 units with capital subsidies to reduce rent below market; up to 25 rent subsidies. This would total approximately 80 units reflecting 15 per cent of the VineRidge project. It would be the largest affordability project for decades in PEC and retain the site’s history in assisting families,” the developer stated in a presentation in May.

The application was originally submitted in September 2020 for 560 units and met with concern surrounding displacement of existing families renting in the area. Following a public meeting in February 2021, applicants submitted a revised proposal in response to the comments received.

“The VineRidge project is also committed, with County support, to offer transitional support to local families and current Macaulay tenants. The phased demolition and construction will allow us to work with most families to wish to continue residency.”

Materials for each of the above applications can be viewed on the County website.

How to participate:
Members of the public who wish to attend the virtual public information meeting must register by contacting James Griffin by noon on Monday, Nov. 15. The meeting will be held virtually on Microsoft Teams.

This public meeting is an information meeting only. Public information meetings are held as part of the new planning application process.

At a public information meeting, the proponent/agent will present the proposal. If members of the public would like to ask questions or make comments, they will be able to do so after the presentation by the applicant.

The statutory public meeting required under the Planning Act will be a Planning Committee meeting and would only be held after the public information meeting and when the assigned County planner has completed an analysis of the project.

Filed Under: Local News

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