Voices unite at Fundraiser for Japan
Administrator | May 01, 2011 | Comments 0
The purpose was as crystal clear as the voices – support Japan as it continues to recover from a devastating tsunami and earthquake March 11, 2011 that set off warnings as far away the west coast of Canada, the United States and South America. As the nation struggled with a rescue effort, it also faced the worst nuclear emergency since Chernobyl.
Sunday’s three-hour concert at Picton United Church, raised more than $2,800 (and still counting) to be passed on to The Salvation Army to be used in Japan’s relief efforts. Picton Salvation Army Major Margaret Locke thanked the entertainers, supporters and audience for the support.
She explained that the Salvation Army has a presence in Japan and on the day of the tsunami, received help from teams sent from Tokyo. “It’s a six hour trip adn it took 20 hours for the team to get there due to the devastation,” Locke said. “We’re helping with food, water, serving meals, diapers, towels, blankets and other needs. We’ve even been able to get some candy for the children. Thank you for your confidence in the Salvation Army. You may be confident that every dollar raised will be used wisely in Japan.”
Richard Pitcher was the afternoon’s master of ceremonies. Libbie Smellie was producer. Through the Cedars Music Productions’ Paul Johnson and Rob Kellough made the sound exquisite.
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