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What happened to the jet? Pinecrest in the 80s

The three-ton Sabre Jet fighter that sat at Pinecrest school for 11 years, was air-lifted by helicopter in July, 1982 to its new home with the Royal Canadian Air Cadets at Loch Sloy.

Raising $800 through fundraising, the school purchased the jet in 1971 and used it as a teaching aid. The jet last saw action in 1964. It survived air battles in the Korean war but more than 11 years of children climbing in and on it took their toll and it became a safety hazard.

An article from the Picton Gazette reprinted in the school yearbook explains Canadian Forces Base Ottawa dispatched a Chinook helicopter to move the jet with a fusilage sling.

Capt. Roy Goostrey and Capt. Malcolm Campbell, of The Royal Air Cadet Squadron 851 met Canadian Forces Base Trenton aircraft maintenance crew at the site.

Once airlifted, the jet was safely deposited at its new home at the Picton airport and towed to the cadets’ location. From wing to wing it was 37 feet wide, and 36 feet long.

The move was considered training for the helicopter squadron and was completed at no cost.

“The jet will be a symbolic focal point of thet squadron,” Capt. Goostrey is quoted as saying. “When kids think of air cadets they think of airplanes and now we have one.”

Plans and registrations for the June 8 reunion for Pinecrest and Queen Elizabeth schools are under way. See details below.

More from the 80s at Pinecrest:

Pinecrest staff 1981-82
Back row: D Blower, P. Moran, G. McKeown, C Brooks, J. Hiddink, J.D. Rainey, R. Hall, J. Stevenson, J. Lindsay, E. Broadley
Middle row: F. Berry, J. Strawbridge, L. Boyce, D. Fox, H. Cooper, J. Bigg, M. Jowett, W. Rowe, G. Jowett, S. O’Grady, P. Calnan.
Front row: R. Wilson, J. Engelsdorfer, C. Kelly, J. Aulthouse, M. Blackburn, N. Lockyer, N. Jackson, G. Miller, K. Claus, A. Wright.

Kindergarten was a big year for students in Mrs. Boyce’s K2 class in 1985.
Back row: Tyler Lester, Kerry Lynn Aulthouse, Natalie Wright, Curtis Markland, Laura Banfield, Philip Prinzen, Karen Hamilton, Jacqueline Lyons, Amie Turner, Jessica Conroy.
Fronto row: Cora Windatt, Steven Graham, Sarah Amos, Sarah Morkis, Lisa Huff, Denis McKibbon, Tanya Clarke, Jessica Westervelt, Rosannalee Martin, Jeremy Cronk and Mrs. Boyce.

1981-82 Pinecrest school council
Pinecrest’s yearbook notes capable leadership was provided by Student Council president Susan Thompson; vice-president Diana Cooper, secretary Susan Taylor and treasurer Cynthia Hennessy. They are shown here with their class representatives whose names are not listed.

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