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What will the Year of the Dragon bring for you?

Canada Post honours the Year of the Dragon—a time of innovation, risk and achievement—the fifth sign of the Chinese zodiac. The dragon in the PERMANENT™, domestic-rate stamp in this series is fully embossed. Gold foil is used prominently in the dragon’s scales. Swirls, a graphic element from ancient Chinese designs, are placed at the bottom of the domestic-rate stamp to represent the water element. The Chinese characters in the top right corner spell out “dragon.”

The Year of the Dragon begins Monday, Jan. 23 and is to be marked by excitement, unpredictability, exhilaration and intensity.
Chinese New Year is a time to welcome longevity, wealth and prosperity and to eliminate any negative chi from the past.
Traditional festivities include setting off firecrackers, spending time with the family, exchanging gifts and, of course, feasting on “lucky foods”. Those who celebrate give their homes a good spring cleaning beforehand because during the New Year festivities period, sweeping is not allowed, because you don’t want to sweep your good luck away.
Serving a whole chicken during the Chinese New Year season symbolizes family togetherness. Noodles represent a long life – superstition says it’s bad luck to cut them. Both clams and spring rolls symbolize wealth. Tangerines and oranges are passed out freely during Chinese New Year. It is customary to serve fish at the end of the evening meal, symbolizing a wish for abundance in the coming year. Sobey’s in Picton is offering a delicious selection of choices to help you celebrate. Click here for recipes and videos, or here to visit Sobey’s on Facebook.

In Chinese tradition, each year is dedicated to a specific animal. The Dragon, Horse, Monkey, Rat, Boar, Rabbit, Dog, Rooster, Ox, Tiger, Snake, and Ram are the twelve animals that are part of this tradition. In 2012, the Dragon is welcomed back after the 2011 year of the Rabbit. Each of these animals are thought to bestow their characteristics to the people born in their year.

Use this chart to find your sign.
(Note: People born in January and February should consult the chart below the animals predictions to ensure the correct animal sign)

DRAGON – You are difficult to ignore, especially during your year! In the Year of the Water Dragon – January 23, 2012 to February 9, 2013 – you are even stronger, more dramatic, and courageous. Even in challenging times, you will set and pursue ambitious goals.

SNAKE natives can expect continuing challenges, but overall success in the Year of the Water Dragon. Collaborative efforts will bring you the best luck. Identify your friends and then work closely with them.

HORSE: Dragon energy encourages you to be extra ambitious and determined to succeed. Your dreams may come true. Teamwork helps you develop practical plans in any area of interest. You can do more cooperatively than you can alone.

GOAT: The flowing nature of Water encourages good communication and extra sensitivity to the unspoken needs of others. Remember – all it takes to unleash your natural good luck is to be true to yourself. Don’t compromise your personal integrity by taking the easy way out.

MONKEY: Monkeys are blessed with extra good luck! Because you love a challenge, even a year that could bring sudden changes of fortune will not get you down.

ROOSTER: Self-confident Roosters can expect a mixed bag of energies in the Year of the Water Dragon. With powerful Dragon influencing you, there is little you cannot achieve. However, the potential for overspending, overdoing, or overreaching lurks in the background of every decision.

DOG: The Year of the Water Dragon can bring powerful challenges to step out of your comfort zone. Influential people who may be somewhat irritating can prove to be valuable mentors who push you beyond what you thought was reasonable or possible.

PIG: The Year of the Water Dragon brings confidence and determination to you. You are tough, and can move through periods of great stress and transformation with an unusual degree of stability. Water encourages you to go with the flow.

RAT: The Year of the Water Dragon encourages a greater sense of optimism. Even in challenging times, remain clear and confident about the future you intend to create. You’ll attract powerful resources in support of your dreams.

OX: A mixed bag for down-to-earth Ox natives. On one hand, you are at home in the Water element. Your ability to wait patiently for useful opportunities is a key to your success. Expect to be recognized as a good team player.

TIGER: Expect to be a more controlled and diplomatic Tiger. This gives you an edge in times of powerful change and uncertain outcomes. You will still be enthusiastic, competitive, and energetic.

RABBIT: The Year of the Water Dragon brings powerful forces demanding confidence and flexibility. Your ability to sense other’s feelings and intentions is strong. A growing network of friends and family stand by you through times of trouble and times of joy.

Click here for more about each sign

If You Were Born During These Dates    Then Your Chinese Zodiac Sign Is:
02/20/1920 – 02/07/1921    Monkey
02/08/1921 – 01/27/1922    Rooster
01/28/1922 – 02/15/1923    Dog
02/16/1923 – 02/04/1924    Pig
02/05/1924 – 01/23/1925    Rat
01/24/1925 – 02/12/1926    Ox
02/13/1926 – 02/01/1927    Tiger
02/02/1927 – 01/22/1928    Rabbit
01/23/1928 – 02/09/1929    Dragon
02/10/1929 – 01/29/1930    Snake
01/30/1930 – 02/16/1931    Horse
02/17/1931 – 02/05/1932    Goat
02/06/1932 – 01/25/1933    Monkey
01/26/1933 – 02/13/1934    Rooster
02/14/1934 – 02/03/1935    Dog
02/04/1935 – 01/23/1936    Pig
01/24/1936 – 02/10/1937    Rat
02/11/1937 – 01/30/1938    Ox
01/31/1938 – 02/18/1939    Tiger
02/19/1939 – 02/07/1940    Rabbit
02/08/1940 – 01/26/1941    Dragon
01/27/1941 – 02/14/1942    Snake
02/15/1942 – 02/04/1943    Horse
02/05/1943 – 01/24/1944    Goat
01/25/1944 – 02/12/1945    Monkey
02/13/1945 – 02/01/1946    Rooster
02/02/1946 – 01/21/1947    Dog
01/22/1947 – 02/09/1948    Pig
02/10/1948 – 01/28/1949    Rat
01/29/1949 – 02/16/1950    Ox
02/17/1950 – 02/05/1951    Tiger
02/06/1951 – 01/26/1952    Rabbit
01/27/1952 – 02/13/1953    Dragon
02/14/1953 – 02/02/1954    Snake
02/03/1954 = 01/23/1955    Horse
01/24/1955 – 02/11/1956    Goat
02/12/1956 – 01/30/1957    Monkey
01/31/1957 – 02/17/1958    Rooster
02/18/1958 – 02/07/1959    Dog
02/08/1959 – 01/27/1960    Pig
01/28/1960 – 02/14/1961    Rat
02/15/1961 – 02/04/1962    Ox
02/05/1962 – 01/24/1963    Tiger
01/25/1963 – 02/12/1964    Rabbit
02/13/1964 – 02/01/1965    Dragon
02/02/1965 – 01/20/1966    Snake
01/21/1966 – 02/08/1967    Horse
02/09/1967 – 01/29/1968    Goat
01/30/1968 – 02/16/1969    Monkey
02/17/1969 – 02/05/1970    Rooster
02/06/1970 – 01/26/1971    Dog
01/27/1971 – 02/14/1972    Pig
02/15/1972 – 02/02/1973    Rat
02/03/1973 – 01/22/1974    Ox
01/23/1974 – 02/10/1975    Tiger
02/11/1975 – 01/30/1976    Rabbit
01/31/1976 – 02/17/1977    Dragon
02/18/1977 – 02/06/1978    Snake
02/07/1978 – 01/27/1979    Horse
01/28/1979 – 02/15/1980    Goat
02/16/1980 – 02/04/1981    Monkey
02/05/1981 – 01/24/1982    Rooster
01/25/1982 – 02/12/1983    Dog
02/13/1983 – 02/01/1984    Pig
02/02/1984 – 02/19/1985    Rat
02/20/1985 – 02/08/1986    Ox
02/09/1986 – 01/28/1987    Tiger
01/29/1987 – 02/16/1988    Rabbit
02/17/1988 – 02/05/1989    Dragon
02/06/1989 – 01/26/1990    Snake
01/27/1990 – 02/14/1991    Horse
02/15/1991 – 02/03/1992    Goat
02/04/1992 – 01/22/1993    Monkey
01/23/1993 – 02/09/1994    Rooster
02/10/1994 – 01/30/1995    Dog
01/31/1995 – 02/18/1996    Pig
02/19/1996 – 02/06/1997    Rat
02/07/1997 – 01/27/1998    Ox
01/28/1998 – 02/15/1999    Tiger
02/16/1999 – 02/04/2000    Rabbit
02/05/2000 – 01/23/2001    Dragon
01/24/2001 – 02/11/2002    Snake
02/12/2002 – 01/31/2003    Horse
02/01/2003 – 01/21/2004    Goat
01/22/2004 – 02/08/2005    Monkey
02/09/2005 – 01/28/2006    Rooster
01/29/2006 – 02/17/2007    Dog
02/18/2007 – 02/06/2008    Pig
02/07/2008 – 01/25/2009    Rat
01/26/2009 – 02/13/2010    Ox
02/14/2010 – 02/02/2011    Tiger
02/03/2011 – 01/22/2012    Rabbit
01/23/2012 –                        Dragon

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