Will it all go to the dogs on Election Day?
Administrator | Oct 21, 2010 | Comments 2
OK, this is a big big day for my Buddy Dave and me. We are betting on the outcome of the elections in Prince Edward County.
Here’s what’s at stake. If Dave picks more winners in the election than me – I have to buy him a bottle of single malt scotch. I know he drinks Oban – but at $100 a pop – he may have to settle for a less snobbish tipple. Regardless – if he wins it will cost me a lot of kibble to pay him off.
However if I pick more winners I get a day at Aspen Pet Grooming. There is no better way for me to spend a 1/2 day than at this spa. My friend Natalie really knows how to treat a dog and her homemade treats are to die for. It really bugs Dave because it costs more for me to get a wash and trim than it does for him to get his hair cut at Marks. I tell Dave to quit whining just because he gets the least expensive haircut in Ontario.
Now here’s the thing – Dave just made his picks but wouldn’t comment – he said his vote is secret and all he would do is pick winners and not comment. As for me I don’t get to vote so I can bark whatever I want. Dodger’s stamp of approval could be a game changer.
I’m excited that there are so many candidates running for office. I thinks that this means that there will some big changes to County Council and Dave can start smiling again.
Right now I would say he is pretty cynical as he thinks that the more things change the more they stay the same. He tells me a few old timers will get elected and will teach the new councillors all their tricks and the County will continue to be turned into box stores and subdivisions. Sometimes my buddy Dave makes me shake my head.
Anyway here are the Picks. They may not be our personal choices – but they represent the people we think will win.
Dave: Sandy Latchford
ME: Gord Fox (anyone with a four legged animal name gets my vote)
Dave: Bev Campbell and Richard Rowe
ME: Laverne Bailey and Brian Marisett (I‘m just a dog but how in hell can someone who doesn’t live in Picton run for office in Picton?? Man up you guys and run in your own area).
Dave: Barry Turpin
ME: Phil St. Jean (does anyone care what happens in this race?).
Dave: Bill Boultbee
ME: Jim Dunlop (two old dogs trying for one more kick at the cat. BOL!!).
Dave: Paul Johnson
ME: Paul Johnson (Dave and I agree on this one – we both wanted him for Mayor)
Dave: Kevin Gale
ME: John Thompson (time for a change in Sodom and Gamorrah)
Dave: Peggy Burris
ME: Alex Lunn (gotta like this funky guy but why does a guy from Picton run for office in Hillier??)
Dave: Janice Maynard and Kathy Vowinckel
ME: Dianne O’Brien and Nick Nowitski (Who are these people? Does Nowitski play for the Dallas Mavericks)
North Marysburgh
Dave: Ray Best
ME: Robert Quaiff (met Rob while chasing golf balls – good guy!!)
South Marysburgh
Dave: Jack Dall
ME: Barb Proctor (Six people running? Didn’t know that many people lived there.)
Dave: Richard Parks and Heather Campbell
ME: Richard Parks and Keith MacDonald (Dave and I like Richard because he reads my blog and Keith – who is going to beat this old warrior? )
Next week we will review the results and I will have an interview with my favorite vet where I ask him about my least favorite topic – ticks!!!
Filed Under: Uncategorized
About the Author:
Hey Dodger,
Just finished reading your latest blog. Sounds like you had a great time out west with your buddy Dave. In one of your blogs you mentioned that you dug for clams in the Pacific Ocean. Lucky you! Angel and I only get to go as far as Wellington Beach. Sometimes when my dad isn’t watching, I too roll in dead fish. Feels great. Angel and I like it there because the Rotary Club of Wellington built a boardwalk for us to walk on. It’s great because we don’t get any sand between the pads of our paws. The “lovely Kathleen” from the Wellington Times even came to take our picture. We are not famous models like you Dodger but we like to smile for the camera.
My friend “Steve the Vet” says that I have to walk diagonally up and down hills as well as do figure eights to help my leg get better. Next they will probably want me to wear figure skates. My mom says that your buddy Dave is right in thinking that this a very important up and coming election. Before amalgamation in 1998, about 90% of the Wellington residents came out to vote. Pretty impressive . . . eh Dodger. She hopes that a lot more people will show up at the polls this time as there were only about 40% of the voters the last time. When my mother isn’t writing letters about the hospital she is talking about municipal politics. Boring! I’ll give you a call when we can go for walks again.
Regards, Sophie
P.S. Isn’t it great that Sue and Amber started this online paper so that you can have a blog, become famous and we can talk to you on line at countylive.ca.
Thanks Dodger, I knew I could count on you! Maybe I’ll drop by with a Proxy form on the weekend. you are one cool canine. woof- woof.