Winter carnival cancelled due to winter
Administrator | Jan 29, 2014 | Comments 1
Winter cancelled most of Milford’s annual Winter Carnival this year.
The South Marysburgh Recreation Committee had planned a full slate of events. Though weather was poor, a full house attended the family bingo games at the Milford Town Hall.
Local residents also made their way to Saturday morning’s pancake breakfast but before it was over, the remainder of the day’s events had to be cancelled due to snow squalls creating poor to nil visibility on roads. Squalls that continued for five days.
The biggest disappointment was cancelling a full day and evening’s entertainment Saturday in a Giant Igloo that had been rented for the event.
“Everybody was looking forward to having a lot of fun in the igloo this year,” said Bruce Dowdell, of the Rec Committee. “It’s laying up there on the ground hidden by snow because with this wind, it would have blown away. It would have been quite an experience if the weather had co-operated on Saturday.”
Dowdell, however, shares these photographs including the gigantic igloo, before it was picked up for its next event.
“Hopefully, the Easter Parade in April will have better weather,” Dowdell said. “But the way we are going, who knows?”
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Winter carnival cancelled due to winter.
It’s a joke, right??