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With addition of 150 kittens, shelter is bursting at the seams

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A Sheltered Life – stories as told to Maggie Haylock-Capon, by Liza, resident greeter at the Loyalist Humane Society. (Photographs by Alan R. Capon)

(If you are unable to adopt a cat or kitten, there are many other important ways to help the LHS. Donations of Javex and other household cleaning products, garbage bags, grocery bags, litter, cat food and kitten food are welcome. The Loyalist Humane Society is located on County Road 4, (Talbot Street), near the intersection of Tripp Road.)


Hi, Everyone,

Pardon me if I appear rather glum in this shot. This summer's invasion of the rug rats has depleted my energy and left me more than a little depressed. With approximately 150 kittens swelling our ranks there is good reason for my shattered nerves. My catnaps are constantly interrupted and it has been impossible for me to hostess a meeting of our book club this month. With so much caterwauling I cannot hear myself think - Liza

Pardon me if I appear rather glum in this shot. This summer’s invasion of the rug rats has depleted my energy and left me more than a little depressed. With approximately 150 kittens swelling our ranks there is good reason for my shattered nerves. My catnaps are constantly interrupted and it has been impossible for me to hostess a meeting of our book club this month. With so much caterwauling I cannot hear myself think – Liza

It’s Liza, official meet and greet cat of the Loyalist Humane Society, reporting live from The Laundry Room. What an exciting month this has been! Our annual yard sale took place on the Civic Holiday weekend and a grand total of nearly $2,000 was raised in support of our shelter. I argued strongly in favour of offering Franco for sale for 25 cents but, unfortunately, I was voted down. Mrs. Moffatt says we have to keep him for rodent control. Personally, I prefer the rodents.

Kittens have been arriving here by the crate-load. To date, approximately 150 rug rats have come into care. We have welcomed the Water Babies and the Boat People and last week Mrs. M. took in a four-eared preggers puss whose offspring no doubt will hear in stereo. A four-earred cat is indeed a novelty and Franco has said we might be able to start our very own circus. We already have Torte for our fat lady and Geisha as the bearded lady. Zeke is our cat on the flying trapeze and Hotch is our strong man and also the stubby-tailed, earless cat (obviously the four-eared cat may have knowledge of what happened to his missing luggos). I have reserved the role of ring mistress. Bernice and Moey could readily be trained to jump through hoops of fire but Mrs.M.may not go for this in case we set their tails ablaze. She says that since Moey one managed to pee in her toaster he could probably become a contortionist. Fortunately, the toaster was not plugged in at the time.

Franco is a successful businesscat these days. His jungle safaris have attracted a large number of rug rats eager to learn how to hunt. He bagged the biggest snake we have ever seen a couple of weeks ago and basked in the praise of shelter volunteers when he dragged it home. He insists on being called the Great Black and White Hunter and plans to have the snake stuffed and mounted in the Laundry Room.

With 150 kittens coming into care, our shelter is bursting at the seams. A number of our adult residents are earnestly seeking forever homes in order to make way for even more new arrivals. Allow me to introduce you to them. One of them could become your new best friend. Follow me to the audition hall.

Meet DiDi, a short, chubby version of resident heartthrob, Saylor. A mature cat, described by Mrs. M. as “a sweetheart”, she is hopeful of finding a placement as companion to a senior citizen or a retired couple. If you are seeking a well-behaved puss of charm and sophistication be sure to ask for her.

Doing-TimeDoing Time
These rug rats are ready for parole. Add excitement to your life; adopt a kitten. Round-the-clock entertainment guaranteed. If you would like to make a difference in a young life, consider adopting one of these lively youngsters. No batteries required.

Love-for-SaleLove for Sale
Feeling lonely and unloved? Visit the Loyalist Humane Society and find your soul mate. Dozens of available beauties from which to choose. Why spend your evenings alone when you could be cuddling on the sofa with one of these foxy new friends?
Hate those ugly drapes and that olive green sofa? These pussycat dolls know how to redecorate a room in no time flat. Take one or two home and wait for a new look in your living room.

Here-comes-trouble-betterHere Comes Trouble!
These kittens are on the prowl for fun and games. If you have a strong sense of adventure be sure to ask for them. They can turn the smallest scrap of paper into a fascinating toy and show you how a sunbeam can become “it” in a game of tag.

This tiger-and-white twosome insist that they know nothing about the mess that Mrs. M. discovered in the laundry room but she is not convinced of their innocence. She’s hoping they will find loving forever homes with families who will set them on the right path.

Barney-and-BaileyBarney and Bailey
Beautiful, mature, long-haired red tabbies, brothers Barney and Bailey were the beloved companions of a Picton woman who recently passed away. Now, they are looking for a new home. Both cats are declawed. One weighs 17 pounds and the other tips the scales at 19 pounds. Virtually identical in appearance they make a striking pair. Their former owner loved them very much and it is hoped that they can find a new home with someone who will give them all the care and attention that she did. It would be a fitting tribute to her love of animals. Please ignore Franco’s proposal that we change “Barney” to Barnum and keep Barnum and Bailey as lions for our circus.

Ears-a-pair‘Ear’s a Pair
Veda may have a cauliflower eare as the result of a long ago infestation of ear mites, but this pretty Calico miss would be the purrfect pet. She and her companion, Wyman are both gentle, affectionate cats who are deeply attached to one another. They go as a pair.

The-Three-AmigosThe Three Amigos
Meet the Ickies, a trio of tabbies eager to explore the world. They are just a sampling of the many adorable kittens now available at our shelter. If you are thinking of adding a new member to your family,be sure to visit us. We have something for everyone.

Mystery-PussMystery Puss
With nearly 300 cats and kittens in care at our shelter, I may be forgiven if occasionally I forget a name. I cannot recall this charmer’s name but the words”stunning” and “handsome” come to mind. If you are seeking an elegant fur piece to accent your decor, look no further.


News Flashes From Franco

What’s Up, Dudes?

What a great summer I’m havin’. That new safari business Torte suggested for me has worked out swell. I go huntin’ seven days a week with eight or ten kittens with me, every time. I get quite a few older cats, too. Some of them never learned to hunt right and I can teach ’em a lot. Bagged a huge snake a few days back and am gettin’ it stuffed and mounted.

Tried to hijack Mrs. M’s Ford Escape to tote my gear but she carried on somethin’ awful about it. I had all the kittens loaded in the back and was hotwirin’ it when she came stormin’ out, grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and told me she was callin’ Police Chief Vinny. That old maid in britches (Vinny, not Mrs. M.) couldn’t collar a kitten much less me. I told Mrs. M. I was real sorry and she let me off with a scoldin’.

Those snack bars that Scroggins opened in the outdoor runs are doin’ good. He’s makin’ more dough than he did sellin’ spiked cat milk. Good to see him makin’ somethin’ of himself but now I gotta hike all the way down the Tripp road to a still run by an old tom named McScruff. He’s got a foxy daughter, though. She tends bar on weekends.

Gotta run. I got a big game hunt on the go today.


From the Desk of Liza

I am sad to report that our dear friend, Doc, has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. He will be missed.

It has been a very busy summer at our shelter. I have enjoyed several meetings of our recently formed computer club and have learned how to send e-mails. Of course, this is of no real advantage since I have no one to send them to. Soon, we hope to have a computer in the main house. Then, I will be able to send messages to all of my friends over there and update them on happenings in the Laundry Room.

We were all excited when Franco began to attend the meetings of our computer club. We thought he was trying to better himself. Then Crawford discovered he was visiting a site called The Kitten Club. It was shameful! There were strippers with lion cuts dancing on poles. Franco now has been blackballed from our group.

I’m off to speak with Torte about the September meeting of our book club. We are reconvening and plan to discuss a new thriller titled The Cat in the Hat.

-Until next week,

P.S.: Remember Freddy, the black cat who froze his paws a year ago last winter and came into care at our shelter? He was adopted by a Kitchener family and has been nursed back to health. His “kid slave”, Gilly, sent his photo to us so that we could see how far he has come. He even has his own dog, according to a recent letter he sent to Mrs.Moffatt – a Cairn Terrier named Danny. Congratulations on finding such a wonderful forever home, Freddy.

Here’s his letter:
Dear Mrs. Moffatt and the feline residents of the L.H.S,
Remember-FreddyWell, friends, here I am, writing on the first anniversary of my arrival in my forever home. My adoptive family has worked out very well so I think I will keep them. And did I mention I have my own dog? He does not always listen to my commands, but it is interesting being a dog owner. My resident kid Gilly is especially pleasing and attends to my every need. My ‘mom’ can be a bit strict when it comes to rules about not using the couch as a scratching post, but she is very good to me. My ‘dad’ and I watch hockey on TV in the winter. I am now a Guelph Storm fan (Sorry Belleville Bulls). I have found many enjoyable spots to relax in the house. You will see an example in the photo I have sent you. I also enjoy watching the birds and squirrels from the patio doors.
Mrs. Moffatt, I must thank you again for rescuing me from my terrible state when I was found starving and huddling in a dog house to keep warm. You had faith that I would survive and took very good care of me while I was healing. My paws were an awful mess from being frostbitten when you rescued me in early 2013, but they are all healed now and I have no problems zooming around the house. My veterinarian, Dr. Rebecca, says I am amazing. Aunt Maggie, hugs and kisses to you too, for introducing my forever family to me when you took them to visit the L.H.S. last year.
Rocky, my foster brother, I miss you, and the long chats we had. Inky, I hope you are doing well and that your teeth are no longer bothering you. As for you Liza, I think of you constantly, but I can not find the right words to express here how I feel. I trust you are your same old self.
I must close because breakfast is coming shortly. I do hope that families out there will find it in their hearts to adopt a cat with some issues, as was the case with my paws. It is well worth it for everyone. My family says I worked out perfectly and that they love me very much.
Take care of yourselves.

* * *
Click here for previous Loyalist Humane Society blogs

Filed Under: Margaret Haylock-CaponNews from Everywhere Else

About the Author: Maggie Haylock is a freelance writer and former newspaper reporter who has co-authored several books with her husband, Alan Capon.

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