Woman charged with killing puppy after assaulting boyfriend
Administrator | Dec 03, 2013 | Comments 7
Prince Edward County OPP have charged a 23-year-old woman with assaulting her boyfriend, then killing and disposing of a puppy.
Police report she faces charges after allegedly assaulting her boyfriend, then killing and disposing of a puppy – just a few weeks old.
On Nov. 18, OPP received information of an incident where a puppy had been beaten to death following a domestic assault.
“A woman had assaulted her boyfriend earlier in the month. It is alleged that sometime after the assault the woman had killed and disposed of the puppy,” said Const. Anthony Mann in a media release issued Tuesday.
The accused faces charges of assault, killing or injuring animals other than cattle and breach of probation.
To protect the identity of the assault victim, her name is not being released. She was expected to appear in court in Belleville on Tuesday. The investigation continues.
Filed Under: Local News
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This has broken my heart over and over. Innocent animals have a voice, when they greet you everyday and are loyal to you. They think of you as their gaurdian and protector. I would love to see the person sentenced as if she has killed an innocent person. If this happened over a fight (assault) with boyfriend, there is something terribly wrong. What is happening to her children, they too are innocent and need protection.
Agree with all comments posted. She should be jailed and flogged. What a 23 year old to turn loose on the public. Publish her name also if she is found guilty.!!!!
This terrible action seems to be increasing in society. That in itself is a frightening situation. The penalties for cruelty to animals and most certainly for bringing death by beating have to be significantly increased. If found guilty there should be jail time.
Terry, Maggie and Dee you are correct
This person should never be allowed in Public
How could anyone kill an innocent puppy in such a horrible manner?
Excellent point, Terry. The poor puppy was the one who needed protection. The so-called “victim” had a voice.
AGREED! The excuse give was “to protect the victim”.
The “victim” here was the innocent dog.
She deserves to have her name in print and the boyfriend also ..despicable killing an innocent animal !! Some lashes with the whip would be proper punishment !!