Loyalist Humane Society candidates seek forever homes
Administrator | Oct 30, 2012 | Comments 0

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A Sheltered Life – stories as told to Maggie Haylock-Capon, by Liza, resident greeter at the Loyalist Humane Society. (Photographs by Alan R. Capon)
(If you are unable to adopt a cat or kitten, there are many other important ways to help the LHS. Donations of Javex and other household cleaning products, garbage bags, grocery bags, litter, cat food and kitten food are welcome. The Loyalist Humane Society is located on County Road 4, (Talbot Street), near the intersection of Tripp Road.)
Happy Hallowe’en, Everyone,
It’s Liza bringing you all of the latest news from The Laundry Room. favourite hang-out of the cool cats, here, at the Loyalist Humane Society. Today’s report begins on a very sad note. One of our good friends and staunch supporters, John Fox, has died from injuries received when he was struck by a vehicle while cycling down Bloomfield’s Main Street.
John faithfully collected pop cans for our shelter and was planning to come here to crush some of them for recycling before his accident. Mrs. M. says he could crush cans like crazy. He had a caring heart and was always willing to lend a hand. It’s said that a society can be judged by the way it treats its most vulnerable members. John showed great kindness towards all of us here at the shelter and we were touched by his compassion. Sleep well, dear friend. We will see you again one day at the Rainbow Bridge.
It is also with great sadness that I must report the loss of one of our oldest and most beloved residents, Old Orange Guy or “Oogie” to his friends. No one can remember exactly when he came to our shelter or the circumstances of his arrival. This big, bright orange cat was an institution at the LHS. In his later years, he developed a number of health issues including a respiratory problem that caused him to purr in a most unusual fashion. Always happy to be petted, Oogie would respond with a loud, rusty purr, invariably punctuated with a sneeze or splutter. Despite his age and infirmities, he was always pleased to receive guests. Many may say that Oogie never found his forever home but we like to think that it was with us. We loved him and his passing leaves an empty place in our hearts. It’s just not the same around here without the Old Orange Guy. Crossing the Rainbow Bridge with him was Stella, another shelter favourite, who is dearly missed.
With all of the sad news around here we certainly could use a lift and one of our senior residents, Duke, may be just the cat to raise our spirits. The Wellington Dukes have chosen the LHS as one of their recipient’s for a charitable donation. Since we have a Duke of our own in residence here, Mrs.Moffat thought it would be fitting if he were to attend a hockey came at the Wellington arena, to cheer for his team.
Public appearances like this can be daunting for a cat, especially a homebody like our Duke. I have been chosen as his replacement should he develop stage fright at the last minute. I am well known for my exceptional poise and outgoing nature. Stay tuned to find out which one of us is on hand at the rink when they drop the puck.
Now, on to the many cats and kittens in our shelter who are seeking forever homes. Allow me to make the introductions.
The Cheesies
These beautiful bright orange kittens were found near the Sandbanks, living under a refrigeration unit at Fosterholm Farms. One of them is six to seven months old and is from a previous litter. The two younger ones are three to four months old. Their names are Hawkins, Snax, and Munchie.
Mr. Grist
Mr. Grist is our mystery cat. This svelte gray gentleman is about four years old and obviously was once someone’s beloved pet. He was found on the West Lake Road and brought to us but no one has claimed him. He is feeling rather down about this turn of events and is ready to try his fortune with a new owner.
Sir Prize
Sir Prize was sneaked into one of our outdoor runs by an irresponsible individual who then fled. Mrs. M. was puzzled at roll call, when she discovered that she had an extra cat. We have welcomed him into the fold and assured him that he can stay with us until such time as he can find permanent lodgings.
A charming Frenchman who is quite a hit with the ladies, LaCroix is a year old. This handsome male tiger cat was found under a refrigeration unit at Fosterholm Farms. He is somewhat timid but would thrive in a one-on-one relationship with a caring new owner.
Tinkerbell is a beautiful bit of fluff who is two years old. This delightful miss is described by Mrs.M. as “needy”. She enjoys attention and would be the purrfect companion for a lonely senior.
Scooter is a mature tabby cat, who was obviously someone’s pet before coming to the LHS. Upon his arrival it was discovered that he had been neutered and declawed. He is very people friendly but not fond of other cats. If you are searching for a “one and only” be certain to ask for Scooter. You could be a match.
This rakish red and white kitten is earnestly seeking a forever home and is now receiving resumes. He’s hoping for a young family who will enjoy his lively antics.He would be equally pleased to join the household of a retired couple looking for a little fun in their lives. If you enjoy fun and frolic, then Jonnykins is your man.
Joey is definitely not just another tiger cat. Check out his short, curly tail. If you are seeking a cat of distinction, look no further. A young, sweet-tempered tabby he would be a good fit in any household.
* * *
This week we have a question for Dr. Wigglebum from Squawky, a tiger and white kitten who came to our shelter last summer. Here’s what she has to say.
Dear Dr. Wigglebum,
Why does nobody want me? I have been at the shelter for weeks now, but no one seems to have the slightest interest in adopting me. Mrs. Moffatt took me to the Bloomfield Craft Fair at the church but no one gave me a second glance. Now, I am at Pet Valu, following an unsuccessful audition at Robyn’s Nest. I am smart, reasonably attractive, and very affectionate. I’m tired of auditioning and I feel rejected. How can I find my forever home?
Dear Squawky,
For starters, consider a name change. You have all the appeal of a trail horse named Spooky or a Rottweiller called Killer. Be a woman of mystery. Change your moniker to Chantelle, Celine, or Cherie. Smart is good but don’t advertise it. Play dumb and purr a lot. Chase a catnip mouse or gently bat a ball, whatever it takes to get that “oooh” or “aaah” reaction. First you get adopted and THEN you squawk and outwit the family dog. You are a clever puss, indeed, Squawky and if you use your smarts in the right way, you are sure to find a forever home.
Dr. S. Wigglebum
From the Desk of Liza:
The recent concert presented by our own Lorain Sine and friends has raised $1,400 for our shelter. What a wonderful gift! Lorain truly is one of Prince Edward County’s Inspirational Women.
The winner of a recent 50-50 draw was none other than one of our long-time volunteers, Bessie Villeneuve. She generously donated her $100 prize back to our shelter. Bessie is another wonderful friend to the animals.
I am happy to report three adoptions this month. Lola, who was always boasting that she had extra toes (she calls herself a Pollydachtal) has found her forever home. By now, I am sure her new owners are weary of hearing her meow, “I’m special, for I have extra toes you know”. If she keeps this up, she just may put her foot in it. Also adopted were Salmon Pete and Laney. We wish all of them well in their new homes.
Two lovely quilts have been donated to us for Christmas raffles. Tickets will be on sale soon. More information will be available in my report next week.
-Until then,
Society was scene of murder and mayhem

Pretty in Pink – Official spokescat for the Loyalist Humane Society, Liza is pretty in pink. Be sure to see her when you visit our shelter. She will be happy to show you around. She is quick to remind all visitors that she is NOT for adoption. She’s a cat with a job and second in command to shelter manager Mrs. Moffat.
Hello, Everyone,
It’s Liza, spokescat for the Loyalist Humane Society reporting live from The Laundry Room, which last week was the scene of murder and mayhem. It all began when a dim-witted squirrel staged a break-in in the gazebo where some of our residents take the air each day. There was an outbreak of panic and some of our female residents scrambled up the walls for safety. Several of our stalwart gentlecats stepped forward in their defence. To make a long story short, the squirrel bought the farm. But it didn’t end there.
Boys will be boys and, boasting of their bravery in bagging the squirrel, our heroes dragged his corpse into the shelter to show Mrs. Moffatt and our volunteers. Unfortunately, they did not get the reaction that they had expected. Crawford, our resident legal advisor, was overheard to say that there is just no understanding women.
The good news here this week is that Cocoa, Moisha and Chico have found their forever homes. One of our caring volunteers adopted Moisha and Chico, who had always lived together. Another volunteer, who is retiring from her duties, decided to adopt Pete Mumbles, a long-time resident at the LHS. Ironically, after years of not being noticed at all, he was suddenly requested by THREE families. Bebe was also adopted but was later exchanged for Bachelor, who is doing well in his new home.
To our surprise and delight, Doren has not been returned to our shelter. The vampire cat who had 15 recorded bites at the time of his adoption appears to have settled happily in his new home. Mrs. Moffatt has taken down the sign warning visitors not to pet Loyalist’s resident bad boy – a sure sign that she thinks he is gone for good.
To everyone’s surprise, Cremesicle the Third, who has been with us forever, was adopted recently. We are delighted at his good fortune, but already miss this longtime resident.
On a sad note, two of our seniors, Rascal and Mister, have crossed the Rainbow Bridge. We miss them.
Mrs. Moffatt reports that Sally Pennell, who set up a booth for the LHS at the Ameliasburgh Fair, collected $300 for our shelter. What a wonderful show of support for us. Thank you, Sally.
Several of our residents were taken to the recent Adoption Weekend at Picton’s Pet Valu and some found their forever homes. We congratulate them and wish them well in their new lives.
A former resident of the LHS shelter, Beyonce found her forever home with Liza’s ghostwriter, Maggie, last year. But wait, is there something new about this tiger miss? In her latest photo, it appears that she has grown a flowing blackbeard.
Squawky – This week’s centrefold
It’s been an autumn of Many Happy Returns for poor Squawky. This vocal tiger and white kitten quickly found her forever home but was returned following an embarrassing incident that occurred when she was unable to find the ladies’ room. She spent some time auditioning at Pet Valu but was not adopted and was also taken to the Bloomfield United Church craft fair, where there were no takers. A clever young miss who never hesitates to speak her mind, Squawky is tired of auditioning. She wants to win the part of leading lady in someone’s heart. Could it be yours?
Lovely Lolly is looking for her forever home but is having trouble in her search. Many people believe that black cats are bad luck and take great pains to avoid them. This little miss with her long black hair will be a real beauty one day. If you are looking for a bff who is drop-dead gorgeous be sure to ask for Lollipop. She’s as sweet as her name.
Tyger, Tyger
This pensive-looking tabby is just one of the many serious-minded cats in pin-striped suits at the Loyalist Humane Society. Although often overlooked in favour of flashier individuals, they have a great deal to offer. They are affectionate, playful, and loyal and if they happen to shed on your sofa, their striped hair blends invisibly with almost any fabric colour.
Red Ryder
If you’re looking for a real life action hero, just ask for Red Ryder. This handsome red tabby is always in search of adventure but also enjoys down time in his basket. Dressed for fall, in a pumpkin-coloured leisure suit, he is hoping for a forever home where he can enjoy autumn evenings by the fire.
Mrs. House
Lovely Mrs. House is a woman with a past. Mrs. Moffatt describes her as “young and full of kitten”. Despite her youth, this little miss has already had a litter of kittens. She remains tight-lipped about her brief experience with motherhood and never speaks of her ill-fated spring fling with a dashing Tom. She does confide that she has now had “the operation” and is ready to seek permanent lodgings with a family who will give her the kitten-hood she never had.
A bright red tabby kitten with personality to spare, Moses is earnestly seeking a good Christian home. He would be the ideal cat for a young family or could become a senior citizen’s new best friend. With his colourful coat, he would be the perfect accent for your fall decor.
Shelley has it all – youth, a luxurious tiger and white fur coat, and a sweet disposition. We can’t understand why she is still here. If you are searching for a fancy bit of fluff, don’t overlook this pretty miss. Come up and see her sometime.
Betty Boop
Rumour has it that beautiful Betty Boop has been short-listed by one of our own volunteers! With her striking looks and sweet disposition, it’s not surprising news. Boops is a favourite with everyone here and we will all be sorry to see her leave, if things work out for her. Keep your paws crossed for that forever home, Betty B.
Hangin’ Out at Loyalist
These winsome kittens are just a few of the rug rats now hanging out at the Loyalist Humane Society. All are seeking forever homes and would greatly appreciate your consideration. If you’re looking for excitement in your life, come and meet these swingers.
Pebbles is a “people” cat who is very affectionate and eager for a home of her own. She does not play well with others and therefore would not be suitable in a multi-cat household. This pretty black and white miss would be the purrfect pet for a senior citizen or retired couple.

A “penny” collection at the Prince Edward Memorial Hospital of $116.64 was presented by Jackie Rea from the Prince Edward Family Health Team to Gail Robinson of the Loyalist Humane Society. A great big thank you to staff, patients and physicians who donated a lot more than just pennies to this wonderful cause.
From the Desk of Liza
Don’t forget the Songs of Thanksgiving Gospel Show featuring our own singing sweetheart Lorain Sine. It will take place at Picton United Church on Saturday, Oct. 20, starting at 7 p.m. Tickets are $15, at the door. All proceeds from this event will go to the LHS.
Word has it that Lorain was recently nominated for County Weekly News’ annual Inspirational Women competition. Her photo op took place at our shelter, this month, In the past four years, she and her friends have performed in benefit concerts that have raised approximately $10,000 for our shelter. Good luck in the competition, Lorain. We are very grateful that you have chosen to raise your beautiful voice on our behalf.
And this just in: On Saturday, October 27th, dog groomer, Lisa, will be at the Picton Pet Valu store to trim nails. All proceeds will be donated to the LHS. All cats and dogs in need of a pedicure are invited to visit Pet Valu for their beauty needs.
-Until next week,
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You could be thankful for a fine fur lap rug
STOP THE PRESSES! It’s Liza reporting live from The Laundry Room with a mind-boggling scoop from cub reporter Doren. Actually, Doren IS the scoop. He’s been adopted!
The shelter bad boy, he boasted 15 recorded bites. For months he terrorized volunteers and intimidated unsuspecting visitors. It was our late senior correspondent Girlfriend who suggested him for the cub reporter’s job, convinced that it would help him to mature. Much to everyone’s amazement, he recently found his forever home with a family willing to give him a chance to show that he has changed. Of course, there are skeptics who say that “forever” may be considerably shortened by one of Doren’s love-bites.
All of us here wish him well and hope that he will be happy in his new home. It is going to seem very quiet here without him.
There is more big news at our shelter. Our recent tag day raised $2,700. for the LHS. We are very grateful to those who so donated so generously.
With the arrival of fall, there will soon be a nip in the air. If you are beginning to think of cozy evenings by the fire, you may want to consider one of our fine fur lap rugs. Follow me and I will be pleased to show you some of our latest arrivals and a few of our ever-popular classics.
Where Are They Now?
Adopted by their foster mother, Albert, Mary Grace and Dickens enjoy a room with a view. Siblings Shrinking Violet and Plain Jane share their kitty condo, along with MomCat Zoe.
Orange Julius
Young, handsome, and available, Orange Julius wonders why he has never been chosen. He would very much like a forever home and a family to call his own. Why not visit the shelter to meet him? You are sure to be impressed by his good looks and genteel manners.
Mrs. Moffat says it was obviously another dump job. When no one was looking somebody snuck Surprise into one of our outdoor runs with the other shelter cats. Consequently, she had to set another place at the dinner table. Nothing is known regarding the history of this mature male, gray and white cat but his friendly manner is making him popular with his fellow residents.
This Week’s Centrefold – Brown Weiner
A lithe tiger and white cat Brown Weiner still wonders why his rescuers gave him such an unfortunate name. He speculates that it had something to do with the fact that he was very slender when he arrived at the shelter. He’s certain his chances for adoption have been irrevocably damaged by his odd moniker and he is planning to make application for a name change. He would like to be known as Sable Weiner, a name that he says has real class. Our resident legal advisor, Crawford, has promised to help Brown Weiner make formal application for a name change.
A dignified gray and white cat, Bachelor has been short-listed twice but was never chosen. Mrs. Moffat says this handsome gentleman likes nothing better than to snuggle on any available lap. A mature cat he qualifies for the LHS’s Seniors Program. If you are a senior citizen in search of that special someone, please to sure to inquire about Bachelor. His dearest wish is a home of his own.
Main House Calico
This lovely Calico miss would make a delightful companion for a senior citizen or a retired couple. She enjoys all of the creature comforts and nap-time is her favourite part of the day. She’s dreaming of a forever home and has already sent out numerous resumes. If you have a job opening for a boon companion, be certain to call her for an interview.
Meet Squawky the town crier, a four-month old tiger and white kitten who can talk up a storm. This affectionate little miss is desperately seeking a lap of her very own. She loves to snuggle and would make an ideal best friend. She has applied for Doren’s old job as cub reporter, but would give up her career in a heartbeat to become a stay-at-home cat.
Pizza Pussycats
Our own Mrs.Moffatt says the Pizza Pussycats were clearly a “dump job” but fate intervened to save Godfather and Pepperoni. A passing motorist spotted three kittens at the side of the road and stopped her car to rescue them. Immediately, they dove into her son’s pizza box. One of rescued kittens was adopted immediately. Godfather and Pepperoni are still waiting for their forever homes. If you like Italian, why not consider this handsome pair?
From The Desk of Liza
Two big events will be taking place in October. Don’t Miss Pet Valu’s Adoption Weekend on Oct. 12, 13, and 14. Who knows, someone might follow you home.
On Saturday, Oct. 20, Lorain Sine and Friends will present their Songs Of Thanksgiving Gospel Show at Picton United Church,from 7 p.m.to 9 p.m. Tickets are $15. each, with all proceeds to go to the LHS. Joining Lorain on stage will be Sandra Sine, Jon Milford, Fraser Hardman, David Simmons, Judy Fraser, Bud Gregory, Terry Spilchen and featured guest, Tabby Johnson.
Lorain is a long-time supporter of our shelter and the benefit concerts she and her friends have given, during the past four years, have raised more than $10,000 for the LHS. She and her fellow performers deserve a standing ovation. All cats on their feet, please.
The position of Cub Reporter is now officially posted. Interviews will take place next week.
Footnote: In the event that Doren returns (Mrs.Moffat has yet to take down the sign warning that he bites) he will not be given an opportunity to reapply for his former job. When I reminded him of this as he was leaving, his response was “Bite me”.
-Until next week,
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Click here for previous Loyalist Humane Society blogs and other Margaret Haylock Capon features
Filed Under: Margaret Haylock-Capon • News from Everywhere Else
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