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Young Trudeau delights party AGM with 30-minute speech, 40-minute Q&A

As the party's critic for youth, citizenship and immigration, he is outspoken on the value of involving young people and took time to pose for photographs with all ages.

Some say Justin Trudeau needs more time, others say it’s now or never for the 40-year-old to run for the Liberal party leadership, and eventually follow his father Pierre’s footsteps to be at the helm of the country.

Either way, Trudeau told about 200 party faithful he is optimistic the Liberals can build relationships and the party can be strong with a consistent message and without being confined to views on the left, or the right.

The Montreal Papineau district MP was welcomed as guest speaker at the the Hastings Prince Edward Liberal Association annual meeting in Belleville this week. As the party’s critic for youth, citizenship and immigration, he is outspoken on the value of involving young people and took time after the event to pose for photographs with all ages.

“It was a tremendous evening with folks starting to arrive well before 6 p.m. for a 7 p.m. event and ultimately packing the Sans Souci Banquet Centre,” said Peter Tinsley, the association’s immediate past candidate. “We had seating out for 175 and ended up with those filled and no place left to stand. Justin gave an inspiring 30-minute speech about the changes required in Canadian politics which had the crowd on their feet (the seated ones) and then answered very direct questions from a very engaged audience for about 40 minutes more.”

Since arriving in Parliament, Trudeau has passionately advocated for greater political participation by Canada’s youth and more government action to help young Canadians become better prepared in a more competitive, globalized world.

Prince Edward County, Tinsley noted, was well represented among the crowd and Trudeau was introduced by former MP Lyle Vanclief, of Ameliasburgh.

Eight of the association’s new executive members are County residents:
President Lenore Begley; Executive Vice-President Bob Fair; General Secretary Beverley Boyd; Treasurer Terence Standing; Vice-President Membership John Brisbois; Vice-President Policy John Duggan; Vice-President Fundraising Ian Batt; Directors representing Belleville and Thurlow: Lynn Hipwell, Mike Beeston and Douglas Cockins; Directors representing Prince Edward County: Sandy Latchford, David Hall and Harry Marissen; Directors representing Centre and North hastings: John McLellan, Eva Busse and Marion Soper-Severenac; Directors at large Rhea Pretsell, Peter Nayler and Phillip Baldwin and director for Youth Brandon Bell.

Filed Under: Local News

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