100 People Who Care show their love for the library
Administrator | Dec 19, 2021 | Comments 0

Marion Hughes, library board member and member of 100 People Who Care, (centre), presentd this quarter’s donation of $9,100 to Prince Edward County Public Library CEO Barbara Sweet and Alexandra Bake (holding Chico, the mascot), Chairperson of the Fundraising Committee.
100 People Who Care PEC members showed their love for the Prince Edward County Public Library presenting $9,100 to support its expansion.
“This $9,100 is a great Christmas gift to the community and boost to the project as we approach the fundraising finish line,” said Barbara Sweet, the library’s CEO. Fundraising is still under way for the Love the Library campaign with about $200,000 to raise of its $2,800,00 goal.
100 People Who Care Prince Edward County is based on the simple concept of bringing together a group of 100+ people who commit to meet four times per year, contribute $100 at each meeting, and make a huge impact on a local charity.
The donation is the 13th the membership has made to charities in Prince Edward County. The group meets quarter (online during the pandemic) to select its recipient from member nominations.
Marion Hughes nominated the library’s project and presented the cheques to Sweet and fundraising chair Alexandra Bake.
Four charities were nominated via email during this round and the top three selected by electronic voting also included the Loyalist Humane Society, the ROC and the Regent Theatre.
Previous recipients of the 100 People Who Care PEC members include The Wellington Storehouse Food Bank, Alternatives for Women, The ROC, 851 Prince Edward Royal Canadian Air Cadets, County Kids Read, Heal with Horses, Wellington Auxiliary Rescue Association, Reaching for Rainbows, Glenwood Cemetery, Picton United Church Food Bank, the Prince Edward Learning Centre and Hospice Prince Edward.
Filed Under: cheers • Featured Articles
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