New board hopes to give new life to Quinte Symphony Orchestra
Administrator | Oct 04, 2012 | Comments 0
While the election of a new board has staved off dissolution of the Quinte Symphony, the organization still faces serious challenges, says Kevin Jackson, who was elected president at a recent meeting.
The Quinte Symphony Orchestra, he notes, is the region’s senior major cultural organization, founded in 1960 under the name Eastern Ontario Concert Orchestra, by the late Stephen Choma.
Jackson is encouraged by the support shown by the Quinte community, but says the board will struggle to launch a new season for the orchestra, with adequate funding being the main obstacle.
Jackson, from Belleville is joined by Jack Evans as vice-president and Debbie Shaw as secretary, both of Belleville and board members Jodie Jenkins, of Belleville, Beverley Poste and Michael Dufault, both of Picton and Larry Pohjola, Belleville.
The board seeks a volunteer treasurer. Anybody interested may contact Jackson at (613) 920-3081 or Evans at (613) 967-3970.
“There is a great need for more volunteers for all functions, including board members,” he added. “I am deeply grateful to the many board members over the years who have maintained the symphony so far.”
The board is now working on plans to finance a new season of concerts.
Filed Under: Arts & Culture • Local News
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