4H awards celebrate accomplishments of youth
Administrator | Nov 22, 2012 | Comments 0

The 4H Square Dancing Club performed a demonstration at the awards night and invited the audience to join in on the fun.

Jordan Fowler received the Bay of Quinte Mutual Insurance Company’ Award for the most outstanding second year 4-H member in Prince Edward County. He is shown with Matt Rabbie, winner of the Ontario Ploughman’s Association’s Outstanding 4-H Agricultural Member Award; Cori Goodman, winner of the Keitha Gilbert Award for the most outstanding first year 4-H member in Prince Edward County and Brock Jones, winner of the Monica Alyea Communications Award for the most outstanding communications entry.
Prince Edward County 4H Association’s leaders, volunteers and youth celebrated accomplishments of 2012 at the recent annual awards night with friends and family members attending the event at Pinecrest Memorial School in Bloomfield.

The CIBC Gold Watch is presented to the most outstanding Senior 4-H member in Prince Edward County. This year’s winner, Julie Leavitt, left, is shown with presenter Megan Insley who was last year’s recipient. – Angela Miller photos
The association offers 21 life skills and livestock clubs for County youth ages 10 to 21 – including clubs that focus on giant pumpkins and vegetables, goats, horses, sheep, beef and dairy cattle, scrapbooking, quilting, drama and woodworking – that focus on hands-on learning and friendships.
The 4-H Square Dancing Club presented a demonstration at the annual awards night and invited members of the audience to join in. The Prince Edward County 4H Association thanks Keith Gilbert, who taught the group how to call a square, and then passed that information on to two senior members who called for the group. Matt Rabbie and Alissa Goodfellow put their fellow square dancers through their passes.
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