650 elementary students to receive suspension notices
Administrator | Feb 21, 2013 | Comments 0
In a bid to ensure childhood immunizations are up-to-date, the Hastings and Prince Edward Health Unit reports approximately 650 parents of elementary school students will be receiving a suspension notice this week.
The notice will inform them of the immunization records that are outstanding for their child. Suspensions will take effect on Tuesday, March 5th 2013 if these requirements remain outstanding.
“Under the Immunization of School Pupils Act of Ontario, students must provide to the Health Unit either a record of immunization, a medical exemption, or a notarized statement of conscience or religious belief for the following vaccinations: measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus, diphtheria and polio” says Bill Sherlock, manager for Vaccine Preventable Diseases for the Health Unit. “If students do not have the above information on file with the Health Unit, they will be suspended from school.”
In order to get children immunized, the Health Unit is providing extra immunization clinics.
Filed Under: Local News
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