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Adverse health effects produced by large industrial wind turbines confirmed

Here is a compelling study of adverse effect of low frequency noise / infrasound on human physiology by two acousticians, made more so given that they personally experienced a variety of ill effects within minutes of arriving at the test site and continuing throughout their stay.

Hopefully, this is the evidence that will finally cause governments to accept that wind turbines are a public health hazard requiring epidemiological studies before further deployment of turbines in populated areas.
But I’m not holding my breath.

-Gary Mooney

Filed Under: Letters and Opinion

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  1. Dave Sutherland says:

    All kidding aside, the report actually doesn’t, as the subtitle states, confirm adverse health effects by large industrial wind turbines. While I accept the acoustic measurements as presented, the health effects observed were based on the personal experiences of the two investigators. Even a naive member of the public knows that a health study would require a much larger sample size and would not include the investigators. Surely there are known objective methods of measuring the stated physiological effects observed by the researchers (nausea, anxiety). If the cause of the physiological resposes observed are from the wind turbine sound, there also must be ways to simulate this in some more controlled experimental environment to confirm its effect on study subjects. This can’t be very hard since the report’s authors experienced effects within 20 minutes (which in itselft is both amazing and suspicious).

    I also note that a similar cluster of wind turbines built in Ontario would be subject to significantly longer setback distances than those in the study.

  2. Ernest Horvath says:

    By the way , the MOE paid another company yet again to go over the same reports they have been using that has been provided to assure Ontarians IWTS are as safe as can be.
    So they went over the reports which are done by industry interests and using these reports this company found that . upwind windmills are well below the noise levels of AVERAGE people and that NORMALLY this would not be a health issue .
    So there you have it. We are saved!
    It also claims to be a proper health study .
    So while the public is told this information , it still remains that Ontario has never done a proper health study .

    Merry Xmas

  3. Ernest Horvath says:

    Merry Xmas everyone.

    I think many of us just want what is best.
    Here’s hoping we can work together to protect our children’s future.

    LOL! Cheers

  4. Linda Logan-Smith says:

    Finally, some levity and humour in this endless debate!

  5. David Norman says:

    @ Chris Keen
    OMG this is incredible news. I developed Wind Turbine Syndrome from paying to much attention to the unbelievable IWT spin that folk like those from the County Sustainability Group are want to produce. I hear that this drug is quite similar to Oxycontin (hillbilly heroin) and got concerned when I learned that the local Hollowell dealers of oxy were busted last week. Can’t wait to get my prescribed fix so I can, as Don Ross has stated it, fit in with “the majority of PEC residents (who apparently) support IWT’s”. By the bye, I hear that they will be selling it under the trade name NiT WiTS.

  6. Chris Keen says:

    @David Norman
    An update on your story: Pfizer has announced today that they will begin manufacturing a version of their Wind Turbine Syndrome drug in a format that can be approved by Health Canada. Their plant will be located in Southeastern Ontario where they can take advantage of the McGuinty government’s 80-cent per pill manufacturing subsidy, and be close to the majority of those who require the drug. McGuinty has hailed the development of six full-time green jobs that the plant will bring to Ontario.

  7. David Norman says:

    @ Jim Hair
    Apparently the newest version of The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM5, the bible of the psychiatric profession, has a new listing for Wind Turbine Syndrome. And even Pfizer has already developed a psycho active pharmaceutical to combat this. It comes in the form of a large green pill with the imprint of a turbine propeller. However, they’re having trouble getting it on the market because Health Canada, in their infinite wisdom, has deemed it a choking hazard.

  8. Tom says:

    To everyone who has offered their comments either pro or con, I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I am thankful that we live in a province/country where free expression is a right.. To everyone who debates this particular form of green energy I salute you.

    Let us hope that in the coming year we can come to some form of consensus that will benefit us all.



  9. David Norman says:

    But how can this be! Just a couple of weeks back Don Chisholm of the County Sustainability Group, the local authority on this subject, stated for the Picton Gazette that those claiming to experience health effects from IWTs were just imagining this. I’m sure he’ll comment here soon to clear this up.

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