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More than 50 Angels still on the tree

UPDATE: More than 300 children are signed up with this year’s CAS Angel Campaign.

“We still have about 50 or so angels left on the tree,” said Chief Angel Susan Rose, who admits to being a little worried, but optimistic.

For those who do not wish to shop for a specific child, donations of food are also welcome, as are donations of cash.
For details on how you can help, visit, or call Susan Rose at the Benson Hall, Picton office: 613-849-2286


Volunteer Elisha MacDonald with Chief Angel Susan Rose begin placing Angels on the Christmas tree at the opening of the Angel Office at Benson Hall, Picton, thanks to the Kinsmen Club of Picton donating the space. Above, Kinsmen Ross Lindsay, Rick Caruso, Phil St. Jean and Mike Payette with volunteers Scott Whitelock and Mark MacDonald.

Angel Campaign office opens at Benson Hall

NOV. 12: With just weeks for its Christmas campaign, the Prince Edward County CAS Angel Campaign is ramping up to meet a greater need than ever before.

Susan Rose, Chief Angel with the Children’s Aid Society annual campaign, notes 61 families had registered through the CAS office and Ontario Works before the Angel Office opened. She expects there will be well over 300 children to be looked after this year.

“There is much work to be done,” said Rose as she and volunteers began opening Angel Central at Benson Hall, 56 King St., Picton. “We are fortunate the Kinsmen Club has donated this space to us. We are grateful for that.”

The Kinsmen have a partnership with the municipality to look after Benson Hall in exhange for its use.

Applications are welcome at the CAS, Ontario Works and the Angel Office from Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.  613-849-2286.

Kids Helping Kids will again reach out to the County’s less fortunate children in song.
Saturday, Nov. 16 at Prince Edward Collegiate Institute, more than a dozen young performers will sing and play favourite music at the sixth annual event.

“All funds raised are to assist the CAS in providing Christmas for children in our community who otherwise may not experience one, while at the same time providing some very talented youth with the opportunity to perform and be heard,” explains organizer Amy Rutherford.

Tickets $10 adult and $5 for students under 18, available at the door. Everybody welcome.

Filed Under: Local News

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