Your vote will help Loyalist Humane Society get to second round
Margaret Haylock-Capon | Oct 13, 2011 | Comments 6
It’s Liza here, reporting from the laundry room at the Loyalist Humane Society. My worst suspicions have been confirmed. Mrs. Moffat is determinedly playing matchmaker. She is desperate to hook me up with Franco. Last week, she sat me down beside his crate and suggested that we chat. I ignored him but he did not seem to notice. Then, can you believe it, she actually brought him into my laundry room. I refused to say a word to him, but he didn’t seem offended in the least. In fact, I think he was ignoring me. Surely, Mrs. M. can see that we have absolutely nothing in common. If you ask me, that Franco is just looking for warm digs for the winter and has his eye on the top of the dryer, where I often nap. And speaking of naps, someone snapped a rather unflattering photo of me, just as I was awakening from my beauty sleep. It’s impossible to have any privacy around here!
Everyone here at the shelter is still very excited about the Aviva Community Fund contest. If we were to win, there would be major upgrades to the present reception area which is now used only seasonally. We urgently need your votes to move on to Round Two of this competition. Please go to and vote for us, every day from now until Oct. 19.
Good news here last week. One of our new arrivals, a delightful tiger kitten named Trudy Tripp, went to the Bloomfield United Church Craft Fair last Saturday and was adopted! With her winsome ways, she was bound to find her forever home quickly. Grey Owl, a handsome gray cat, also found a home of his own.
Remember Emma, the deaf calico cat that was found doing the dog paddle in a swimming pool? She’s been adopted by the family of Ashley, our new co-op student, and is doing well in her new home. We are all very happy for her.
There are still lots of wonderful cats and kittens here who are available for adoption. Let me tell you a little about them.
This tiny tiger kitten (she weighs just 10.3 ounces) is one of Paw-Maw’s foster children, the twelfth one as a matter of fact. When she is adopted, Paw-Maw, finally, will become an empty nester.
Princess, a gorgeous peach tabby, has been at the shelter for some time. If you’re looking for a fabulous fur coat to make the neighbours jealous, this gal is it. Initially, a little shy with strangers, she quickly responds to affection. She is eagerly waiting for the day when she will find her forever home.
This colourful calico cat has a rather unusual name, which cannot be readily explained. However, her beauty is no secret. Beautifully marked, she is a striking cat who would add distinction to any home. Come up and see her sometime.
This little black kitten, who is almost three months old, developed an inner ear infection that has affected his balance. He staggers a little, like a drunken sailor, and his head is cocked to one side giving him a permanent “what say?” expression. Our veterinarian says it could take up to a year for him to face the world head on, once again. His prognosis is a little uncertain, but he is a plucky little fellow with a lot of love to give to the family willing to take a chance on him. Like all kittens, he loves to run and play, even if he does stagger a little at times.
A marble tabby, Mama is a favourite here at the shelter. Just three years old, she arrived here with eight kittens in tow. Most of them have been adopted and Mama is now spayed. A very friendly cat, she is ready to begin a new life with her forever family.
A tabby and white lad with a very impressive physique, Pretty Boy’s name says it all. He’s one of the handsomest cats at our shelter. His friendly nature makes him a favourite with all of our volunteers.
Lily is a friendly tiger cat who would very much like to find her forever home. If you are searching for an affectionate companion with whom to share long winter evenings, she could be the one.
Mrs. Moffat describes Woody as “a lovely cat”. Just a year old, he is handsome and friendly. He is earnestly seeking a hearth to call his own.
Autumn is still searching for his forever family. A beautiful, mature cat who would be an ideal companion for a senior, he is friendly and available. He’s been at our shelter for some time, which is a mystery considering his good looks.
Paw-Notes from the desk of Liza: A harvest supper is still being planned this fall. Stay tuned for the date, place, and time.
Bugsy, the cat who came to our shelter covered in flea bites, has been debugged and is now progressing well. She’s a friendly sort and seems very grateful for what has been done for her here.
Please remember to VOTE for the Loyalist Humane Society in the Aviva Community Fund competition. It takes only a few moments and it could make such a big difference in our lives.
Cast your votes for Loyalist Humane Society Aviva fundraiser
Hello, it’s Liza reporting from the laundry room at the Loyalist Humane Society. The big news of the day is the Aviva Community Fund competition, in which the LHS is a contestant. If we are winners, it would mean major upgrades to one of our outbuildings. Now used only seasonally, it would be extensively renovated to become our new, heated, reception area complete with storage facilities for our records. To stand a chance of winning, we need as many votes as possible. Please go to and cast your vote for us, each day from now until Oct. 19. We urgently need your support.
As I mentioned last week, Mrs. Moffatt is trying to hook me up with that handsome black and white cat about town named Franco. It was definitely not love at first sight and I have done my best to tell Mrs. M. that he is just not my type. The way Franco lounges around his crate all day, just watching the world go by, I seriously doubt he will ever amount to anything. However, our shelter manager is determined that we will be a match. I have made several rather insulting remarks to Franco regarding his lack of initiative, but he just ignores my attempts to give him the brush-off. I am worried about Mrs. M.’s refusal to recognize my disinterest in him. I think she is entertaining the ill-conceived notion that we might co-habit in the laundry room, this winter. Personally, I think she is planning to write the script for a spicy feline soap opera to be titled As The Washer Churns.
There were two new arrivals at our shelter this week, a mad-cap little tiger tabby named Trudy Trip and a sweet-natured black and white cat named Bugsy, who brought a few house guests with her. Let me tell you about them and a few of our other newcomers.
Nine, Ten and Eleven
All were fostered by PawMaw and numbered accordingly. Two have found their forever homes, but one of these sweet little numbers is still searching for a family to love.
A pretty black and white long-haired cat, Bugsy had been fending for herself for some time. A kind woman who noticed her roaming her street saw that she needed help and brought her to our shelter. This poor, homeless cat was travelling with a flea circus and had become very ill. She was suffering from anemia caused by hundreds of flea bites and had licked most of the fur from her back legs, in a desperate attempt to find relief from the itching that resulted from them. When Bugsy arrived here, she was shivering and Mrs. M. Tucked her up in a crate with a hot water bottle. Her flea infestation has been treated and she is now resting comfortably. One day soon, she will be ready for her forever home. This mature cat has a very sweet disposition and would fit well in any household.
A one-year-old tiger and white cat, poor Charles was “running everywhere” when he came to us, if you catch my drift. He has now been treated for his unfortunate problem and soon will be seeking his forever family. An active, sweet-natured cat he is very grateful that things have slowed down for him at last.
This Week’s Centrefold – Trudy Tripp
This little tiger tabby, who is about four months old, was brought to us as a stray. She quickly demonstrated that she is no ordinary cat. Trudy is very people-oriented and is not about to lose sight of Mrs. M. She climbs her leg for attention and loves to purr and cuddle. If you are seeking a long-term relationship with a loyal friend and companion, look no further. Our own Miss Trudy Tripp is waiting for your call.
Gray and Cloudy with friends
These two gray kittens were brought to us by a caring family who rescued them along with their mother and two siblings. They have decided to keep Mom Cat and this week brought her youngsters to our shelter to seek their forever homes. There are very few solid gray cats here, so they are a stand-out among the kittens who are with us this fall. If you are searching for a cat of a different colour, why not come to see this handsome pair?
N.B. Because you may be wondering about the identity of the individual whose hands, arms, shoulders, feet, and legs frequently appear in our adoption profile photos, it’s our own Mrs. Moffat. Never one to seek the limelight she always puts our shelter residents front and centre during photo ops. While you may never see her face, these photos of her helping hands give you a great picture of Mrs. M. who is always there for us.
Paw-notes From the Desk of Liza:
I am excited to report that the recent Tim Horton’s Smile Cookie campaign has raised an amazing $2,990 for the LHS. As Mrs. M. has said “that’s a lot of cookies in a week”. Our sincere thanks goes out to all who made this event possible, including the “cookie monsters” who munched their way to this astounding total.
The harvest supper that I mentioned last week, will be held in November. All of us here at the shelter are looking forward to this special event.

Zoe Katt has found her forever home, which includes a playroom for her five kittens. Luckily, it comes complete with an emergency exit which she often uses when they play with their toy duck, Quackers.
Word has it that Zoe, the stray cat who is now in care with her five kittens, has been adopted by her foster family, along with her entire brood. Happy in her new home, she thought everything was just ducky, until the arrival of “Quackers”. Her foster mom bought a cute little felt duck toy at the pet store that has a motion-activated tape inside him. Every time one of Zoe’s kittens bats him, Quackers says “quack, quack, quack, quack.” The kittens are very taken with their little duck friend who can be heard quacking merrily in their playroom, all day long. Mom Katt does not share their enthusiasm for their flat-footed pal, whose constant quacking is getting on her nerves. There is a rumour that Quackers may soon fly the coop.
Until next week,
Another important ‘election’ supports Loyalist Humane Society
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress
can be judged by the way its animals are treated” -Gandi.
by Margaret Haylock Capon
Allow me to introduce myself to any Countylive readers who may not know who I am. My name is Liza and I am the official greeter at the Loyalist Humane Society (LHS) on Talbot Street. (Click here for my usual blog on the comings and goings at the shelter)
However, a very important “election” is about to take place and all of the cats here at our shelter urgently need your votes. Let me explain.
The W.H. Williamson and Company Insurance Ltd. kindly is sponsoring us in the Aviva Community Fund Contest for Charities. Aviva has pledged one million dollars to support community initiatives, such as improved shelter facilities for the LHS. Contestants submit their ideas on the Aviva web site and visitors to the site are asked to vote for their favourite ideas so they can advance through to the competition’s final round. At this stage, they are evaluated by an independent judge.
How can you help?
Round one is from Oct. 3 to Oct. 19. Each person who registers with an email address gets 15 votes for each of the three initial rounds and the semi finals. You can also tell all of your friends to vote, too. It’s a Canada-wide competition, so people do not have to live in Prince Edward County, in order to support us. You can also share on Facebook and Twitter.
Why do we need your support? The LHS recently acquired property on the outskirts of town. This site has buildings on it, three of which are now used as part of our shelter program. However, there is a large building close to the others that now serves as an animal reception area with storage space. When animals first come to the LHS they are brought here to be examined, documented and kept until they can be released into the general population. This building is usable only for three seasons of the year, as it is not heated, there are no washing facilities, and it is poorly lit. To bring it up to adequate standards, new windows, lighting, doors, insulation, heating, plumbing and other repairs
are needed. There is also an area in the building that could be used as an office. Presently, our records and supplies are stored in the homes of various volunteers. Our hope is that, if we become winners in this competition, we can refurbish this building and make it a clean, energy-efficient place where animals can be received, our volunteers can work, and our records can be housed. To realize our dream, we need YOUR help. Your votes can make all the difference.
For anyone who may be wondering who we are, let me bring you up to speed. The LHS was incorporated in 1999. In 2001 we had just 10 members. We have now grown to a paid membership of 400. Our objectives are to prevent cruelty to animals through the operation of a shelter for pets in need, fostering and adoption services for abandoned and stray animals, investigation of animal abuse or cruelty, establishment of a spay/neuter program and education of the public in pet care. We provide food, shelter, medical care, and often spay or neuter new animals. We are an organization that runs ENTIRELY with volunteers. There are no paid employees. We receive no funding from any source, except for individual donations and sponsors. We raise money through yard sales, bake sales, tag days, concerts, dinners, teen dances, aluminum can drives, liquor bottle collections, and many donations from animal lovers in our community.
All animals in our care are spayed or neutered as part of our intake process. We serve the Municipality of Prince Edward County. Unfortunately, because this area is a summer home for vacationers, we find it is a dumping place for animals who are unwanted when the summer is over. Therefore, we are not only solving local problems, but also those created by people from out-of-town. We have rescued cats, dogs, rabbits, pot-bellied pigs and horses. Our motto is “Please help those who cannot help themselves.”
Please visit and register to vote for us on this site. You can also register through your Facebook accounty and vote directly from the Aviva Community Fund Facebook page at
We need your votes to win. There are approximately 250 cats and kittens (including moi) here at the shelter who need your support. Let’s show them we care. We’re from Prince Edward County. Hear us roar!
Filed Under: Local News • Margaret Haylock-Capon
About the Author: Maggie Haylock is a freelance writer and former newspaper reporter who has co-authored several books with her husband, Alan Capon.
Love your stories. We have 7 cats of our own plus 12
outside which have all been neutered/spayed. We know how
much time is needed to take care of the little critters. I vote under my 3 e-mail accounts daily. Everyone please vote as
often as you can and get your friends on board. The improved shelter is a great cause.
Just registered and voted. Vote early and vote often everybody!!!
Anne: Little Morrin is doing fine. Happy, playful and spoiled. A great addition to our family!
The Loyalist Humane Society’s proposal for renovation of an existing building to create a reception area/office needs votes. Come on Prince Edward County animal lovers. Register at and VOTE for this project. The cats are counting on us.
Good for you, Maggie: You are always front and center for your friends which include the furry-coated variety.
This is certainly a worthy project and as always, we support you in your worthy endeavours
Janet and Chuck Bingham.
Thanks, Doris. It’s great to hear that your family has so kindly welcomed seven shelter cats. Let’s hope all the pet lovers in our county will take a moment to vote for the Loyalist Humane Society in this competition. Historically,when county residents come together in support of a community project, the results are phenomenal. We should be proud to have the LHS and its dedicated volunteers in our county. Their care and compassion make a huge difference. Now, we have a chance to show them how much we appreciate their efforts.
Great idea and good article Maggie–My family presently has 7 shelter cats –I just hope no more really cute little ones appear. A friend who got a pair recently just absolutely adores theirs
I will try and get into the site if my old computer lets me