Argument led to car striking hydro pole
Administrator | Jan 22, 2015 | Comments 0
An argument between a couple resulted in a vehicle striking a hydro pole.
Prince Edward OPP report that on Monday, Jan. 19, 2015 at 12:16pm a male driver attended the detachment to report he had been involved in a motor vehicle accident.
The police investigation revealed that the complainant was travelling on Mary St., Picton with his girlfriend. Both were involved in an argument when the female passenger interfered with the operation of the motor vehicle, resulting in ti striking a hydro pole. The female fled the scene. The motor vehicle was damaged. No one was injured.
On Jan. 21, police charged a 24-year old Picton woman with the following offences:
• Dangerous Operation, contrary to Section 249(1)(a) of the Criminal Code of Canada.
• Failure to Stop at Scene of Accident, Contrary to Section 252 of the Criminal Code of Canada.
• Mischief Endangering Life, contrary to Section 430(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada.
• Mischief Over $5000.00, contrary to Section 430(3) of the Criminal Code of Canada.
The accused remains in custody and is scheduled to appear in the Ontario Court of Justice, Picton for a bail hearing on Feb. 4, 2015.
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